The strange boy

in voilk •  4 months ago
    "Who took the food I left in the fridge?" I asked with gritted teeth, my eyes red with annoyance, and my eyebrow furrowed inwardly. There was silence.


    "Are mine not talking to human beings, When did you all suddenly become deaf?" I raised my voice to show how displeasured I was about the act.

    "Mum, it isn't me," Gabriel said, giving me a baby look. My gaze diverted to Nancy, who was playing with her fingers.

    "Hell no, mom," she said, raising an eyebrow at her.

    "Language, young lady," she moved her shoulder before looking up at me.

    "Mum, I didn't steal the porridge," she said looking down. I took a closer look at them.

    "It's just the three of us in the house, do we now have ghosts taking our food from the fridge? Dinner will be delayed by 30 minutes. I have to make something. Nancy come with me to the kitchen. " I walked away; it wasn't the first time this had happened. I wonder who usually takes our food without my knowledge.

    I went to the locks on the front door; it was all good, as was the lock on the back door. We didn't have much to give out. I managed the little one I could provide for my two kids.

    Since losing my husband last year, life has been unbearable for us. The bills all piled up together with tuition fees, which I needed to take care of. I worked three shifts in a day, coupled with the blood donation, which I do to keep up with expenses in the house.

    After dinner, I read some stories for Gabriel before he fell asleep. Nancy was already 15 and doesn't need anyone reading bedtime stories to her.

    "Good night, my pumpkin." I kissed his forehead before turning off the light and leaving for my room.

    Gabriel is 6 years old. As I dragged my legs towards the sitting room to make sure I locked the door, I did the same with the back door. I wasn't feeling very sleepy, so I decided to see a movie.

    It was a comedy movie I enjoyed every bit before changing the channel to something else. I didn't know when I fell asleep while watching the movie.

    I was awoken by a cracking noise, Darkness descended on my eyes as I used the back of my palm to rub my eyes. I was sure the sitting room light was on, but then it was off.

    I heard the crack the second time, and I became alert. Who was that? I looked around for a weapon, but there were none. Then I gently moved my legs towards the sound of the crack, careful enough not to step on anything.

    As I neared, I heard Gabriel's voice coming from the kitchen.

    "Mummy will be mad again, she already was. Take a little milk and bread," I heard him say. Who was he talking to? I asked no one but myself. I peeked through the edge of the wall to know who he was talking to.

    I saw a boy who was a little bit taller than Gabriel standing close to the kitchen counter, trying to get a cup. He was backing me, and I couldn't see his face.

    Who is that boy, and what does he want with my son? Where was he here? Was he the one responsible for taking all the food I kept in the freezer?

    "Got you," they turnedwhen they heard my voice, Gabriel bent his head, and I could clearly see the other boy's face. He wore Gabriel's shot and polo. His hair is completely bare and looks older than Gabriel, like 2 years older than, not sure though.

    "Start talking. Who are you? What do you want with my son? Why are you in my house?" My voice is high-pitched.

    "I'm so sorry, mummy, his name is eleven, and I saw him two weeks ago while heading to school with my bicycle. He was so wounded, and I tried to help him. He said he doesn't know where to go." Gabriel kept explaining while the other boy was silent.

    "Wait, you mean to tell me he has been in this house for the past two weeks? '' Gabriel nodded his head.

    I moved closer to the boy, with my voice low enough not to scare him.

    "What about your parents? They must be looking for you. You can't be here; your family must be looking for you." He was mute, with no words coming from his mouth.

    "Gabriel, where has he been sleeping, and why didn't you tell me this all this time?"

    "He's sleeping in my room. I was too scared to tell. He said he ran away from an experiment house in the woods. He's been there all his life, and they are looking for him to hurt him. Mummy please don't call the police; the bad people will find him." Gabriel said I couldn't understand all that he was saying, but by morning I will make my decision now that I understand who took the food I store in the freezer.

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