Legends of Elumia : Soloing For Chests as a BattleMage in Tandaia Forest

in voilk •  5 months ago



    Other Articles in this Series:
    Legends of Elumia : Not a Review, but the Start of a Series
    Legends of Elumia : Inventory, Banks, Quests, Pets, DUST and a little on Tactics


    This is a guide to farming chests using Solo tactics as a BattleMage. Legends of Elumia promotes groups and rewards grouping players extremely well. It's generally better to group than go solo, but there are times when that is not feasible.

    This is for ‘those times’…

    ...'awesome equipment it says, but will this Gold Chest deliver? Now that's a controversial debate, and note the word 'CHANCE as it's poignant to the statement'...

    Chests; they should provoke a feeling of excitement, anticipation, longing, drooling, I could go on but I think you are getting the jist.

    In ’Legends of Elumia’, acquiring a chest or two is not particularly difficult, and can be done solo in the easy instance of ‘Tandaia Forest' with the correct type of BattleMage.

    You will likely see Chests in one of three areas.


    The Big Boss Arena

    This could be a winding trail or a rope bridge. The music will change to a drama-filled affair when you approach either and a 'Great Medhu' or similar boss will be roaming it, with plenty of minions to hand.

    If you are solo, forget the big boss, he's going to have you for breakfast and one or two swipes of those giant paws will see you dead.

    ...'see that big spider, keep well away as his poison will mutilate you. At the back is a Great Krystal Shard, and my target for this particular 'Big Boss Arena'...

    His minions are another story. It's quite easy to pick them off using pull tactics especially if they are Majahrai. Keep to the edges and take them out, one by one.

    The Krystal Shard will be yours and despite its cries and shouts for help, the big boss will stoically ignore it, leaving the spoils for you.

    ...'Sangol Eggs are a pain in the arse and add a huge AOE health regen, to all the bad guys. I ignored them all, made my way to the back and took down the shard for 61 DUST. Now I'm rich...'...

    Sometimes there’s a Bronze Chest in the centre of the arena. Waiting for Bossman to move to the edges will not work and once you start attacking the chest, he’s going to come and get you.

    As a BattleMage, I figured hitting the chest with Solar Sear and kiting Bossman around may work, and it does for Medhu and Majahrai types. If it's a Spider or Sangal I tend to leave Bossman alone as I don't care to be Rooted (Death) or Poisoned (Also Death).

    ...'life without Solar Sear would be difficult. Without it I would have much less power when taking the bigger baddies down'...

    I can't speak for BattleMage's tactics WITHOUT Solar Sear. Some skills are superior to others, and that DOT is mean and kicks arse, currently damaging for 208 per tick.


    The Mini Boss Arena

    Filled with minions and usually an Aphex creature.

    Like the 'The Big Boss Arena', the tactics are similar in pulling the little guys to the entrance and leaving the Aphex for last.

    Aphex Mini-Bosses are nowhere near the power of the 'Great' Boss types and as a Level 35 BattleMage, I can only solo Aphex Majahrai's to date. I will describe tactics in a future post as this one is about chests and these areas sometimes contain a Bronze or even Gold chest.

    ...'my crappy luck to get spiders as both the mini and big boss. I won't be venturing in there as it's full of other spiders that WILL root me and the only loot is a regular Krystal Shard'...

    In a similar vein to the ‘The Big Boss Arena’, Krystal Shards can easily be destroyed by waiting for the Mini-Boss to move to the other side of the arena, and attacking them won’t get his interest.

    Attacking chests will agro him, and using chest dot tactics if this a Medhu with Solar Sear will do the trick. To date, I have left Sangals and Spiders alone, though I may try them in the future with better gear.


    Off-Map Areas

    These must be sought out, and there's usually a Spider and at least one of those annoying Kamikaze types guarding the entrance, as well as a tribe of Huggers.

    ...'the entrance and behind there is a whole lot of spiders waiting to eat you. Note the red dot's that are off-map, that's the tell-tale sign'...

    Once these are dealt with, you must go through the ruins and down the steps, which will be infested with Spiders (common) or Pirates (uncommon).

    ...'beyond the shrouded branches lie a lot of baddies. Expect to die a few times during this clear out'...

    Pulling them single is generally impossible and you can be mobbed quite easily with Hugger Spiders, which alone are peanuts, but in a horde can kill you with ease.

    Kill the spider guarding the chest, using hit-and-run tactics, and hope it doesn't root you especially if there's one or more Kamikazes in the final section.

    ...'I died twice during this attempt, fortunately dying in 'Legends of Elumia' has little in the way of repercussions'...

    Kamikaze Spiders are easy to deal with if you know how. Edge up to them, and wait for them to commit running toward you, then back off and keep out of their explosion zone. This will kill them and you won't get poisoned.

    If they do get you, expect a hit of around 200 health. They hit hard and are a serious pain in the arse when in numbers.

    ...'the tried and tested method of Solar Sear on Aphona Eggs works well, but don't DOT and run or they will regenerate. You have to be a MAN, er.. GIRL.., and stand your ground'...

    Aphona Eggs need to be removed as they spawn a constant supply of Baby Spiders which will eat through your health bar, at an astonishing rate.

    Once again Solar Sear works wonders, but you need to focus your wand on the Aphona Eggs until it's dead ignoring the multitudes of Baby Spiders trying to eat you alive, with a rinse and repeat on the second one.

    ...'the red haze means I'm almost dead, but have a brand new Bronze Chest for my efforts. Isn't this exciting now?'...

    Once the Aphona Eggs are dead, slay any remaining Baby Spiders and the loot is yours.


    Miscellaneous Information

    Within the 'Big Boss Arena', Krystal Shards are ALWAYS present. They are either 'Krystal Shard' or 'Greater Krystal Shard', the latter being more generous with the amount of DUST received, once destroyed.

    Within the ‘Mini Boss Arena’, it’s always ‘Krystal Shard’, and there’s always one present.

    Chests are hit-and-miss within either arenas and can be either Bronze or Gold types. There are no Silver Chests, and Platinum Chests only appear in 'Hard' instances.

    ...'It's not all Bronze, sometimes there's Gold to be found. Look at that..., it's ever so shiny'...

    In the ‘Off Map Areas’, there’s always a chest, and it can be either a Bronze or Gold type.

    Keys for Bronze chests can be found as drops within ‘Tandaia Forest'. I don't recall acquiring keys for Gold chests within the forest, and Platinum keys I am unaware of being dropped. I suspect ‘Hard’ dungeons may yield them.

    If you own a BattleMage WITHOUT Solar Sear, it could well be a lot harder to do any of the above. I sold my first BattleMage as Astral Impact was not helping me much and had limited use.

    ...'not all instances contain an Off-Map area. If you have completed your map and searched it without finding one, then congratulations, you've been cheated'...


    Key Information

    Where to buy keys, if you have a chest but no way of opening it?

    ...'Zicha Erum walks around the city and will sell you Bronze Keys for 100 DUST each, after you answer a few questions. Don't get arsy with her or she will tell you to bugger off'...

    ...'Aelina Bakir will sell you Gold Chests for 500 DUST each, but you must solve her riddle. It's easy enough, and will be either 'ELU' or 'EKS' which are the two tokens associated with the game'...

    ...'you can find Syla Yanee inside the Dragons Lair pub, and she asks no riddles or questions if you want to part with 2500 DUST for a Platinum Key. At that price would you?...'

    Are they worth buying? That is a great question and an annoyance to some players. I will cover this in a future article.

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