in voilk •  29 days ago

    WhatsApp Image 2024-06-07 at 7.57.49 PM.jpeg

    Hello dear friends I hope you are all very well and your weekend has been filled with much peace, I still continue with the posts of my son's birthday because there were many things that were made from the heart that I want to share with you, my mom made him a beautiful strawberry cake with chocolate to sing him birthday at home, where two of his little cousins went because the others were sick, where the father had the idea to make strawberries and cream cake with strawberries and cream.


    Hola queridos amigos espero que todos se encuentren muy bien y su fin de semana haya estado lleno de mucha paz, aún sigo con los post del cumpleaños de mi hijo porque fueron muchas cosas que se hicieron de corazón que quiero compartir con ustedes, mi mamá le realizó una hermosa torta de fresa con chocolate para cantarle cumpleaños en casa, donde fueron dos de sus primitos porque los otros estaban enfermos, donde al papá se le ocurrió hacerle con las fresas y la crema de la torta fresas con crema.

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    In a cup his dad began to put together with my mom, she poured the cream and he put the strawberries in addition to that they put a little jam, but although everything was improvised the result was very nice and very rich, both visually and the taste of everything that was put in the cup, as they were placing chopped strawberries along with the snow that my mom had made for the cake making it that just seeing it was cloying ha, ha, ha, ha ....


    En una copa su papá le comenzó armar junto con mi mamá, ella le echaba la crema y él le colocaba las fresas adicionales a eso le colocaron un poco de mermelada, pero a pesar de que todo fue improvisado el resultado fue muy lindo y muy rico, tanto visualmente como el sabor de todo lo que se le puso en la copa, ya que le fueron colocando picadas las fresas junto con el nevado que mi mamá había realizado para la torta haciéndola que con solo verla empalagaba ja, ja, ja…

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    My son was happy he was surprised when his dad gave him that cup full of strawberries and the cream of the cake, he ate it together with his cousins because if there is something my son has is that he likes to share, he is not one of those who will eat things alone while his partner watches him, he is one of those children who share and he is not worried about whether they eat more than he does, He just likes to spend a nice and happy time with his cousins, and at the end of the night we sang his precious birthday where his smile was from ear to ear, the cake was huge and we were just a little bit but my mom gave out some good pieces of cake and everyone was happy, accompanied by jelly and some pudding shots which made us all full and it was not necessary to make dinner hahaha. ..


    Mi hijo estaba feliz le sorprendió cuando el papá le dio esa copa llena de fresas y la crema de la torta, se la comió en conjunto con sus primos porque si algo tiene mi hijo es que le gusta compartir, él no es de los que va a comerse las cosas solo mientras el compañero lo mira, él es de los niños que comparte y por parte iguales no está pendiente de si comen más que él, él solo le gusta pasar un momento agradable y feliz con sus primos, y al final de la noche le cantamos su preciado cumpleaños donde su sonrisa era de oreja a oreja, la torta era enorme y éramos poquito aunque mi mamá repartió unos buenos pedazos de torta y todos quedaron contento, acompañado de gelatina y unos chutes de pudin lo cual hizo que todos quedáramos full y ni fue necesario hacer cena jajaja...

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    WhatsApp Image 2024-04-05 at 9.54.43 PM.jpeg



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