May You Live In Interesting Times

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Was always taught that the title was an old Chinese curse. Everything I've been able to find says the Chinese likely didn't coin the phrase, but whatever its origins it's definitely seems fitting for the times we're living in. Went shooting this afternoon, it was acting like it was going to wind up being entirely uninteresting...then I spotted these two.

    They're brave. With the way people drive here these days you don't even have to do anything risky to run the risk of getting killed. Can't help but suspect that all that's happened since covid came calling has made everyone more irrational and less risk averse. Is it like that in your neck of the woods too?

    History doesn't repeat itself but it does rhyme, and right now it's rhyming with 1968. Hell, the Democrats are even having their national convention in Chicago again. At least back then LBJ had the sense not to run again, and we still ended up with ol' Tricky Dick. May have to see if ol' Pigasus is up for another run.

    Was reading today that milk is starting to come with an extra special ingredient, bird flu. You knew that sooner or later they were going to have to come out with something like the beer flu for nondrinkers, but this wasn't what I was expecting. Don't worry, we're from the government and we're here to help.

    Don't drink milk if I can help it, so hopefully I can duck that one. People make things interesting enough, don't need any help from the birds anyways.

    Ever notice how when things are good and interesting, you just wish things were a bit more boring? Then, if you have the misfortune to get your wish, you're reading for things to be interesting again, if only to relieve the boredom.

    I don't do well with boredom, so curse or no, I think I'll take interesting times. What about you?

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