in voilk •  last month

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    Life before the pandemic was a really calm and soft one. Everything was going smoothly and most people loved how their life was going.

    Though the government were still doing what they do which made the citizens uncomfortable, we were happy with the way things were irrespective of the some hardship that were faced.

    The advent of the corona virus came with the cost of many lives as prices. Movements was restricted and everybody survived on already stacked supplies. Things became harder, the basic necessities of life became more difficult to get. Some families succumb to malnutrition because of lack of supplies. The poor were the most affected because they could not go out to get food for themselves. Tsk.... Such a drag.

    Online work from home jobs became the order of the day. People became easy prey for scammers because everyone was desperate for money and would do anything just to make sure they have something to eat and feed their family.

    Though we became wiser, however this wisdom did not come at a free pace as lives were payed and people became uncomfortable for a long period of time. The news became the best friend of many, even those (like me) that don't really care about the happenings in the world.

    Face mask and other personal protective equipment became compulsory before being granted access to buildings like banks and the like.

    The memories of the pandemic are still fresh in my head as if it happened last week. Everyone was really scared. Bathing with salt and hot water was very common among the less educated.

    Hard time they said brings hard people. Trust Nigerians to utilize this moment. The price of face mask and other personal protective equipments sky rocketed. I wouldn't blame them because the world became a place where only the strong survived.

    Sigh, we survived yaknow

    It is four years now. The pandemic is finally over. Everything gradually came back to normal. Or would I say - became worst.

    One thing I noticed during the time of the pandemic was that the world came together to fight the corona virus. I came to understand the fact that when two enemies have a common enemy, they tend to unite under one umbrella just to fight the enemy.

    Though the people were locked indoors for their safety, the unity between world leaders was the major thing I really admire. Well, after the pandemic, that unity vaporized like steam.

    One thing I would like to bring back after four years of this pandemic is the unity between world leaders.

    When he world leaders are united, every thing will fall in place. Things will become easier and the earth will flourish. Instead of being destroyed by nuclear weapons from wars, the earth will be fertile as everyone will look for the betterment of each other.

    Imagine a world where Russian and Ukraine set their differences aside and work together. A world where everything is good and everyone put them heads together just to aid the betterment of each other.

    Though I do not thing that this unity can come back, I wish it will.

    Well, this is one thing I wish to bring back from the pandemic.

    Thank you for reading.

    Canvas design.

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