Quora become Unstoppable with 2 Martyr beside Her on Explosive Weaponry Ruleset | Splinterlands Weekly Battlemage Secret Challenge

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Weekly Battle Mage Secrets Challenge's Session. For this week Battle Challenge, there is explosive weaponry ruleset that gives every card the ability to have a blast effect damage, and I'm taking advantage by surrounded the quora with 2 martyr, but my enemies got his gladius with double attack which is very dangerous as well, let's see how the battle goes !


    Battle of The Week

    Here is my formation for the battle :


    Rules set:


    Explosive Weaponry : All monster's damage will cause blast effect
    33 mana cap: medium high mana cap for many combination
    Splinter available : All splinters are available except for fire and dragon

    My Lineup's Explanation :

    Summonersimage.png-1 speed debuff, bring gladius cardI'm trying to empower Quora that having the bloodlust ability, and he is the only available summoner here. -1 debuff is great as well to reduce enemies attack accuracy.
    Tankerimage.pngEnrageWith the blast ruleset, his damage after getting rage would be great to deal high damage both to tank and the monster on it's back.
    2nd Monsterimage.pngMartyrImportant monster to boost Quora and the tank.
    3rd Monsterimage.pngRegen, bloodlustMain monster for this battle with the bloodlust ability, and with heal ability that is very effective to get healed after blasted by enemies
    4th Monsterimage.pngMartyrAnother martyr monster to empower the Quora.
    5th Monsterimage.pngThornQuora could be beat by katrelba gobson that having double damage, so it is important to prevent that, especially with enemies history often use that monster.

    Solid tank with high damage potential by enrage ability, followed by martyr-Quora-martyr for main damager after the tank eliminated, plus the backline with thorn and enough hp to prevent enemies back


    Does My Strategy is Worked ? :

    If you want to watch the battle, please click the link of battle replay https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_796fcbb04373ab73074f32a08bbaa503

    The battle scene are also explained below:

    At the 1st round, i lost my first martyr that give the boost for Quora and my tank. My enemies tank is eliminated as well which cause the situation is 4 vs 5 for my team at the end of 1st round.

    At 2nd round, so many monster is eliminated, my tank is eliminated, and my 2 back monster as well after stabbed by the katrelba gobson (I'm lucky to have thorn at the back which cause him not having enough health for getting bloodlust!). Enemies 2nd tank is eliminated as well which cause the range monster is stand at the front. It is clear who's gonna win, right ? even with this 1 vs 3 situation at the end of 2nd round.

    My Quora as the last stand monster, succesfully eliminated 3 monster in just 1 round.


    Discuss About Explosive Weaponry :

    What Should We Get :
    With the blast effect, it woould be the fastest to eliminate enemies, so having high damage monster, especially with double attack and with high speed is important. Martyr monster is easily eliminated, so trying to use them is easier at this ruleset, and is a great idea to get your core monster even dangerous. A monster with taunt is great as well to collect enemies attack into 1 monster to prevent more damage, and don't forget to get reflection shield behind them.

    What Should We Avoid:

    Try to avoid getting slow monster here, because missing hit means missing 2 damage (main damage and blast damage), and don't put high damager with low health on 2nd or 5th position since it would get easier to eliminated following the blast from the enemies

    What would i do next ?
    I'm thinking about reducing enemies attack by getting taunt monster with the reflection shield at the backline, then having high damager up front followed by 1 martyr to eliminate the enemies lane up.



    With blast effect, the attack from monster is causing more damage, so having high speed and damage monster is important to try eliminate enemies first. At this ruleset, martyr are easier to trigger as well since they are easily damaged by the blast effect, so try get some of them ! And don't forget those bloodlust effect is easier to trigger as well, monster with bloodlust could be a very dangerous monster ! If you want to nerf the blast effect, try getting reflect shield, and better with taunt effect, so the damage would be just for the monster with taunt.


    Final Words

    Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about this ruleset by put it on comment section.
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