My Personal Journey to Stress Management

in voilk •  3 months ago
    I’ve been really stressed over the past few weeks. Between having to work all week, dealing with life itself and trying to stay alive, I’m left with little to no energy at the end of the day.

    I’ve had so many friends from hive text me to check if I’m okay because they’ve noticed I’ve not been really active. Actually, I haven’t been feeling very well these days and I’m so packed with deadlines to meet to the extent that I don’t get to spend enough time on hive. But I’m still trying my best.

    I’m one of those people who doesn’t react well to stress because once you just see me , you know I’m stressed out. The funny part of all this is that in times like this, I magically put on some weight and so I’d have to try my best to get rid of it while keeping my head intact.

    On a normal day, sleeping is always the best remedy for a stressed Nhaji but these days my problems follow me to my sleep.😂 And with the kind of heat we are experiencing these days, it’s almost impossible to have a few hours of good sleep without waking up soaked in sweat.

    Everyone is bound to get stressed but the main part of all this is how we manage stress. Moving to a new place has had a big impact on my life in general. Life isn’t the same and I’m not the same. I mean , everyone of us isn’t the person we were four years ago. Times change and so do people.

    Four years ago, I’d just order a ride to the beach just to stare at the sea and run around the seashore with my friends to release stress. Today, there’s no sea where I find myself and I literally don’t have a life anymore . So, my coping mechanisms years ago have to obviously be adjusted.

    Some months back, I spoke to a friend who suggested I start meditating because it worked for them. I laughed at the thought of it but the next day , I tried it. I meditated for 10 minutes and trust me when I tell you a felt a lot lighter. Now, it’s my go to place to release stress. 10 minutes of meditation does the trick for me.

    Also , I love to run. It helps me sweat and forget about everything going on and also just be in my own world. It’s good to exercise the body and also keep fit. Running helps me to lose the stress weight.

    With all the changes in my life so far, I’ve learnt to find different channels to deal with stress and they are meditation and running. If you have any other suggestions, do share. Thank you.

    all images belong to me.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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