in voilk •  4 months ago

    As humans, we have the power to do whatever we want to do but that's only of we are bold enough to believe that we can. In as much as we can do most things, we also set these boundaries for ourselves because of some certain reasons that most times is only known to us. And no matter how hard we try, there are just some things that we always find ourselves really hard to engage in.


    Personally, I do have quite a lot of restrictions to a lot of things that I don't just do. Not really because I can't do them but because I just don't think it's worth doing. I'm someone who got the opportunity to live in an environment filled with different people and if there was one thing that was kind of seen among most of them, it would be the way they do thrown insult at those around them.

    I was actually influenced at some point in time due to how often I heard people rain insults at others. I remember actually calling someone a fool for the first time. It was really strange and unpleasant because I quickly put myself in the place of the one I was calling a fool and I didn't like it one bit. From that moment onwards, I became more conscious of the kind of names I called people.

    Surprisingly I didn't really had a family background that really frowned at insulting someone but then I somehow wasn't comfortable with it. All I wanted was to at least bless people with my tongue with every opportunity I get and raining insults on them defeats that totally. Yes there are times when I get carried away and I might want to just curse at someone but then I most times try not to.

    I remember there was a time I heard a very little boy curse at someone and he felt so happy doing it. I was so sad and pained at the same time even though I wasn't the one he insulted. I was pained because I could see how fulfilled the little boy was that he cursed at someone. Well, I quickly rebuked him to apologise to the person he insulted and told him I won't get him something nice if he ever does that again.


    At first he was totally reluctant to say sorry but when he saw that I added a promise to it, be quickly apologized and because of that I saved some money to get him a gift as I promised just to show him how rewarding it can be to be a sweet person that blesses others instead of cursing at them. The boy learnt how to stop insulting people at least for that moment and I was glad to have been part of those who helped him see the need to avoid cursing at others.

    I do insult others but it seldomly happens and if it ever happens, I'm always looking for a way to apologise or make up for it. No one deserves to be told something that's not sweet and it's almost a taboo to me being the one that gives out that bitterness.

    So what about you, is there anything that you find so hard to do? Feel free to share it with me below at the comment section. This is my response to the hiveghana's weekly prompt and you can also be a part of it too. So don't hesitate to check out the pinned post in the community and get your entry in.

    All Images used are mine

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