Reflecting on the First Quarter of 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago


    March has finally come to an end, wrapping up what has been a very productive first quarter of the year thanks to initiatives like the Marchinleo writing challenge. Looking back on the past three months, I think it's important to reflect on the experiences, progress made, and things that I have learned.

    Rewarding Experiences in the Writing Challenge

    The Marchinleo writing challenge was highly beneficial, helping me sustain creativity through the daily writing prompts. Even on days where my posts didn't receive many upvotes, I found motivation in the new prompt and fired on to complete it. Some of my most fulfilling moments came from readers engaging with my work by leaving comments with valuable feedback and insights. Knowing my efforts were adding value in some way was very reassuring. In total, I wrote and submitted 29 posts for the challenge over the month, only missing around 3 days of entries. I also published a handful of other articles during March.

    My aim as a writer is to both inform readers and expand my own knowledge. I typically draw ideas from personal experiences and events happening in the financial world, especially within crypto. The unique writing prompts pushed me to thoroughly research any given topic, finding solutions to inquiries. This type of challenging writing has left me with an immense drive to continue crafting pieces with passion.

    Consistent Progress in Building Leo Power

    In the first week of January, I started the Leo power up challenge as one of my new year's resolutions, setting a goal of reaching 10,000 LP by the end of 2024. This came after realizing mistakes the prior year led to powering down much of my LP due to outside circumstances. However, as a new year presented new opportunities, I was determined to start over. From the first week of January onward, I consistently powered up Leo each weekend without waiting for LPUD days.

    Comparing where I began this year to where I am now, the progress has been significant. In early January my LP was only around 411 Leo. As of now, I have accumulated over 1,200 LP - a difference of more than 800 LP in just three short months. This feels like a big achievement considering I didn't earn any rewards on my long form posts throughout January. However, I used every single HIVE payout from my thread participation from the first week of January through the second week of February to purchase additional Leo tokens to power up.

    Strong Foundation Laid Out for Future Growth

    With developments like the addition of ads revenue rewards, I believe there are even stronger incentives presently to power up Leo tokens than there were a few months ago. As upgrades to the Inleo platform continue rolling out, it's possible power holders may start seeing other exciting benefits as well. I'm thankful to be part of a community that provides guidance to help members succeed as well as pick themselves back up from failures. My goal is to remain actively engaged in challenges, discussions, and more throughout the remainder of 2024 to build upon the foundation laid in this initial quarter.

    Final Thoughts

    In closing, I think this reflection served as a useful summary of my experiences over the past three months within both the Marchinleo writing challenge and my Leo power up journey. Things have certainly picked up momentum, and I'm feeling optimistic about finishing the year on a high note to gain solid footing entering 2025.

    I want to extend my gratitude to the entire Inleo team for their ongoing support - it is with and through you all that I can work towards my dreams and ambitions.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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