Some of my favourite features of Ecency!

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello and welcome back to my blog!

    Hive is filled with some amazing projects and one such bright star is the Ecency Front-end. I love their mobile application which is very handy and keeps me updated with all the notifications on the go! While I love their intuitive UI and aesthetic designs, it is jam-packed with a lot of features. And they keep adding more features every other week.

    It was Friday and like every week, there was a live discord show hosted by a dear friend, @incublus and we all had the privilege to listen to @good-karma and got some amazing insights on where the project is going on. Naturally, I had a lot of questions which were answered but one of them was, "Some Ecency features that everyone should know about!".

    This post will talk about some not-so-obvious features that most people might not know and they should. Feel free to add to the list in the comments!

    Advanced Search

    We have millions of posts and comments on our beloved blockchain and sometimes it gets harder to search for a specific thing. Using the handy search bar on the Ecency website is a great tool. You can use the search bar and filter the result by using keywords like "type:" (type can be comment or blog) or "author:"

    Found my intro post in no time! (But never stalk yourself, always stalk others!)

    Alternatively, you can use the "Advanced" option if you want to sort the results by time or filter them using tags. This is using the Hivesearcher's technology, a search engine designed for the Hive blockchain. Here is a link if you want to read more about it. More reasons to love Ecency.


    This is quite a new feature and not many people know about it. Now, you can directly send encrypted chat messages to someone on Hive without having to use a third-party app like Discord. They are still improving and adding a lot of things with this one and I am excited how far this goes!

    You can find this at and at the bottom of almost every ecency web page which says "Conversations". It can be found even in the Decks page which itself is an amazing tool which can boost your productivity.

    Yup, he sucks!

    Easy Resource Credit Management

    This is probably my favourite of them all, you can easily manage your Resource Credits (RC), and see how much you have delegated to and received delegations from. You can update or delete your delegations from the same window. It shows a neat graphic with how many operations you can perform with your current RC, which is always a tough one for newbies.

    Just go to your profile or someone else's and click on the Available Resource credit section.

    The following window will come up and you can further check your Delegation, delegate someone RC or update/delete and see other stats too. It is so intuitive and easy through this window as Resource Credits can be a tough topic for newbies. This was such a cool addition to Ecency!

    There is a lot more interesting stuff in Ecency. The Discover Page is quite unique and shows you who has been the most active Ecencials for the past day/week/month along with some other leaderboards.


    Did I tell you about the FAQ page yet? Everyone should! It gives a good overview of what Ecency is and how it works with other frequently asked questions about some features and the overall blockchain. It is a must-read for every beginner! Also, Ecency's Discord is such a great place to hang out and learn.

    So many more!

    And of course, you can now upload videos directly from Ecency which I think at this point everyone knows. But I just want to stress that it was a brilliant idea. Ecency is becoming a one-stop solution for almost every need.

    Short-form content? Done. Video content? Yup. Long-form content/ normal posts? Of course! Trade/Swap Tokens? Sure! Direct conversations? No problem! Mobile app? Yes, Sir!

    What are your favourite features that I missed in the post? Please tell us in the comments section.

    And once again, @incublus, you suck, bro! 😜

    Thanks for reading!

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