The Secrets to Stopping Fear and Anxiety

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hi #Hivelearners community.

    In life, from childhood to adulthood, we must have fear in our minds because when we are children, we go to school and if we do not do our work on time, we are afraid that a teacher will beat us. And that's why we keep making excuses for holidays. Our life always begins to pass in fear, and in the same way, when we become young, we still fear many things in life.

    I will give many specific examples which I hope will greatly increase your knowledge. There is a lot of fear due to which he continues to do wrong things on the girl's request because he is afraid that if he does not do this, the girl will leave him and leave him. Because of this fear that his life will be ruined, he also disobeys his parents.

    Then after that a person starts making mistakes from his youth and then if he tells his parents and they explain to him, at that time his parents think he is wrong and he continues to make that mistake for five or seven years. Then one day it happens that he is afraid that the girl will not leave him, he gets married without telling his parents and this is the biggest mistake of his life because the girl who does not live with her parents.


    That girl can never prove to be good nor can she settle a good house because in this world we all belong to each other if we support each other then only then we will live together. Life can be good or else life can never be good if we see there are many places where there is joint family system and people are living very prosperous life and when ever bad time on other human being.

    So they support each other. Then after that, when the boy makes this big mistake and when the girl does not allow him to live a right and peaceful life, then he remembers all the things that I wish I had not done this because of this fear. And if I had told my parents everything, then my life would probably have gone well, so the fear is of many kinds.

    I will fall. I was very afraid of this as a child. How will I learn to ride it? So when I grew up, I couldn't ride a bike for a long time because of this fear and a lot of anxiety. And in the beginning, when I tried for a long time, when I was old enough to ride a bike, I fell twice, so I was afraid that I would never do it again in my life. If I can, that's why there was a day when I got rid of my fear and started riding a bike by myself.


    We have a relative who is very afraid of driving and he feels that when he drives he will have an accident, he is 40 years old and because of this fear he couldn't drive a car many people have tried to get rid of his fear and start driving a car, but it didn't happen until a person has self-confidence, then a person never does this.

    As long as that person thinks about himself and says to himself that I can do this thing, then he will do it, but until a person develops confidence in himself, then a person cannot do it at all. Won't be able to do the kinds of things now, the way boys are, they have a lot of fear of going on stage and they can't go up there and perform for the rest of their lives.

    Fail within a paper and they fear that we will never pass it and that's how they live their lives then they can never succeed. We had a relative who failed in a foreign society and he was very scared because his parents had a lot of pressure on him, so when a person makes a decision under pressure, there is a lot of trouble.


    Goes and then after that he got rid of his fear and then he focused again on his studies and told himself that I can do this so he became a police inspector. On top of a good post the whole story is about fear in life one who can bear it becomes successful in life and there are many people who can't bear it and commit suicide.

    That's what the world will say, we all should never do this because a person who commits suicide is very crazy because his family then mourns for him for the rest of his life.


    If we see now, there are many people who are very successful in life at this time, but if we see their life before success, they were very afraid and that is the only reason they could not be successful. and when this fear was over, they became very successful. When a person sees his lifestyle,

    He is greatly influenced, so all these achievements can be achieved by us, but we also have to eliminate the fear within us and we will have to make many special changes within ourselves. Then we will eliminate this fear, then we will start to be successful in our life.


    A student's biggest fear is that he will fail and face a lot of trouble, his family will say a lot to him and then his relatives will also disrespect him a lot. Because of this fear, that boy can never be successful. We also had a cousin. His father was also very strict on him and did not let him go anywhere.

    Then one time it happened. If that boy had failed and could not succeed, then the parents should not keep the child in so much strictness and fear that his childhood would end and his life would be ruined in the same way.


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