Music News, Buying new cards, objectives, Progress, Rising Star

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today I want to share with you a piece of news that has been on the lips of many in the last few days. I am referring to the long awaited return of the talented singer Danna Paola with her latest album titled "Childstar". In my opinion, the Mexican star has surprised me with her innovative musical proposal, as her album is full of energy and good vibes that I haven't seen in current music for some time. This album has been in the works for three years and finally sees the light of day today, April 11.

    But before we tell you some of the highlights, what better than a little recap. Since her early days she proved to be a child prodigy in the entertainment industry, Danna has captivated audiences with her talent and charisma. And now with "Childstar", her fourth solo album and seventh in total, she has shown great growth as a singer and as a person.

    One of the most interesting aspects of this new project is the way Danna has managed to reinvent herself as an artist. In this album, the singer makes several references to artists she has admired since her teenage years, which adds an additional layer of depth to her music. In addition, the very title of the album, "Childstar," reminds us of the start of her career in the industry at a young age and her unwavering dedication to music.

    The album has 13 songs that encompass a wide range of emotions and life experiences, the album promises to be exciting for all fans of Danna Paola and of course music in general. There are several genres within the album, from melancholic ballads to energetic pop anthems, this album has something for everyone.

    One of the highlights of the creation process of "Childstar" is the way Danna has managed to find her voice as an artist and express herself in a more authentic way than ever before. Through heartfelt lyrics and melody, Danna invites you to take a closer look at her inner world and personal experiences.

    In addition, the cinematic approach of the official album trailer gives us a glimpse into the creative vision behind this project. While Danna showcases her talent as an actress in the trailer, she makes it clear that her true passion and priority right now is music.

    And friends We cannot overlook the impact that Danna Paola has had on the Latin American music industry and her influence on the younger generations. And with her latest album Danna continues to demonstrate why she is one of the most important artists of her generation and leaves us with the certainty that her star will continue to shine for many years to come. The truth is that this phrase fits very well with the name of the album.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    New purchases at Rising Star


    Well friends as every day it's time to show you my latest purchases in the beautiful Rising Star Game. In today's case there are 3 new cards for my collection. Each one has its own unique characteristics. But so that you can know them I will tell you all their details. Without further ado, I'll show them to you.


    The first card of the day is called: 90 Hugh. Hugh is a common card that gives me 2 benefits, first 10 additional fans and second 5 skill. It is quite little, but well as I have said on some occasions in the union is the strength haha. As for IM and luck in this case is 0.

    The price of this card in the internal market of the game is 1124 starbits, which given the current level of the token price makes it a cheap and easy to acquire card. But in this post I will show you cheaper ones so don't go away.

    The personalized phrase of this card is: "Hugh know he's going to ruin your track don't you?" Haha😅, I found it really funny, and you? I read your answer in the comments.


    The next card I bought today is called: 97 Leyla. This card is also common like the one we saw recently. But it has some differences. As is the case of the skill, which only has 0 and the previous one had 5. On the side of the fans it has 10.


    Now let's talk about the price of this card, how much did it cost me? Well, as you can see in the screenshot above, the card has 879 starbits in the market. So it is undoubtedly a better option than the previous one I just showed you. That's why I always recommend to search the market well because there are hidden pearls haha. But wait don't go away now I am going to show you another one that is even cheaper and that I also bought.

    The phrase of this letter says: I'm begging you darling, please stop! 😅Haha, it also made me laugh a lot when I read it for the first time. I love the work rising star did in creating such interesting and funny phrases for each letter.


    And now it's time to talk about the best card of the day, which I told you from the beginning that I bought I mean Ethan 103. This card is common and only offers 10 fans. But also 5 skill like the first one, which cost a little more than 1000 starbits. But the advantage of this one is the price. Now I show them to you.


    The price of this card is only 767 starbits, making it the best of the 3 at this very moment. With it I see a good way to raise your fans at a low price. I definitely plan to buy a few more of this one.

    The phrase on this card is: "His friends are all electric."

    My latest general progress

    Well my friends to finish this publication I leave you with a summary of my latest progress in our beloved game Rising Star.

    First I tell you that my current level is 35, and I have 96/1750 XP accumulated so far. My goal for now is to reach level 30 as fast as possible.

    My total number of fans is 4357, with the inclusion of about 500 drunks. My goal is to have 4000 of my own. My luck remains at 1512. My skill continues to rise to 6747. My IM remains at 26. And my total card collection is: 173.


    Well my dear friends of Buskeria this is all for today, but tomorrow I'll be back with more. See you.

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