Music and tears | Prompt #71

in voilk •  5 months ago

    My eyes are closed, headphones on my ears, and a cold air breeze is hitting me, I am enjoying a song by someone I never knew, even not his name.

    He was a lyrics writer and usually posted his extended versions of songs on Facebook by an anonymous account. His lyrics were always like a story, hiding so many things inside just a song and when he posts those songs in his voice that voice acts as a painkiller.

    Every new song is released on Sunday at 10 PM and I go to bed before 10 but on Sunday I sleep after 10 PM because I wait for his song for a whole week and once he releases a new song I listen to that song for 1000 times in a week until he releases new one.


    Once it was Sunday night and as usual I was waiting for him to post a new song but he didn't post anything at 10 PM. I waited for him to post anything at least he could post something about the reason for not posting a song. I waited till midnight when my brother hit my room's door and asked why you are not sleeping, I told him I was about to sleep I was just doing some of my university work. He said okay and left while he also turned off the lights in my room.

    That night I couldn't sleep, and lots of scary thoughts hit me the whole night; what if he was facing something? or maybe he had an accident?

    I don't know when I closed my eyes because of tiredness but I woke up again with my mom's voice, she was waking me up for breakfast. I woke up and again the first person that came to my mind was him. I washed my face and had breakfast and then I thought to send him a text:

    "You might wonder who am I but I know you because of the songs you post, and I listened all the songs you wrote. You're a great lyrics writer and sometimes I feel your songs are about my life, giving me the courage to do things, making me more confident and brave that's why I always wait a whole week just for your new song but last night you didn't post a new song. You might have your reason but I can't help myself from texting you. I just wanted to ask are you okay?"

    How uneasy do you feel when you are waiting for someone's reply but he\ she is not replying... Same in my case I waited for so long, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, yeah it was Thursday the msg I sent him he was done reading that but ignored it. I felt more uneasy after he ignored my msg even I started crying while listening to his old songs but I was not able to do anything other than cry and wait for him and finally, it's Sunday again... I was waiting for him to post and when it was 10 PM he posted his new song and at the same time I received a text from him

    "Yes I'm okay... I didn't post a new song last week because I thought no one takes my lyrics too seriously or likes to listen to my extended versions, I never thought that someone finds my songs so interesting and wait for them, You said my songs gave you hope this time I wanna say your words gave me hope, yes I lost my hope but when I have seen your text I got new hope, I took a new start and this time I'll not let you wait for my songs. I'm grateful to you and my today's song is for you."

    I jumped from my bed and went to the roof-top of my home and Plugged the headset into my phone. I was standing while facing the full moon His voice entered into my ears.

    🎵Your eyes cried for a stranger
    🎵Your heart gets uneasy for a stranger
    🎵You are strong, You are strong
    🎵Don't cry, Don't cry
    🎵Your tears are valued

    These lines were for me yes these lines, he wrote something for me, A tear again wet my face and my lips were smiling,

    🎵Courage you gave to stranger,
    🎵New hope you gave to stranger,
    🎵It means a lot to stranger,
    🎵It means alot to stranger,
    🎵Your words are valued,

    You're not a stranger, you were never a stranger you are valued a lot, you are special, and you are my ideal. My eyes were continuously wetting my face.

    After the song, he also apologized for not posting last week in the comment section.

    From that day he always posted songs on Sunday and whenever I find his songs special I go and text him personally and give him a big positive comment on that song and also share my feelings about how it feels when I listen to that song, and he always loves listening to a comment from me.

    Also when I won't text him or comment on his song he texts me and asks for a reason why I didn't comment on a new song and I laugh and tell him how I felt when I was listening to that song.

    This piece of writing is my entry for the weekly prompt (#71) on 'Music' given by The Ink Well community.

    Thanks for reading my story!

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