There will always be smells that shake your soul.(Week- 203)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Scents are like bridges between yesterday and today, between nostalgia and reality.
    -Claudia Cárdenas

    Sometimes you think it is easy to talk about simple things and it turns out that it could be something complex, especially if it involves evoking memories related to the smells that have marked you the most throughout your life, I could mention right now some that define my values as a person but I would rather be honest with myself and meditate for a moment.
    I close my eyes and try to find those smells that are more clinging in my mind and yes, there are many but...some more than others.


    • The smell of milk

    The first of many is quite peculiar to me, the smell of milk, it reminds me my mother bringing me the bottle at the young age of 4 or 5 years old and drinking it with delight lying on the cold floor of the portal, and it is strange, but I still feel how my forehead was moistened by the warmth of the liquid.

    From that point on I began to idealize milk, the sensation of well-being, warmth and satiety thrill me when I see it, smell it, drink has been something transmitted by years of consumption.
    Long after, I still wake up when it is boiled in the mornings and as it happens to many with coffee, it is the ideal reason to start the day.

    The smell of milk also reminds me of a newborn baby, and the mixture of both causes me hallucinogenic sensations, not because I know about drugs, no way! but believe me the smell is incredibly disturbing, maybe it's just my maternal instinct, but those silky and tender skin make me want to eat them smeared with milk.... of course... it's just an expression ok, don't make me crazy.


    • The smell of earth.

    If I don't say that the rain is before, it's because when the first drops fall and moisten the dry earth, the smell of wet earth transmits me a very particular energy, really beautiful, you don't know why, but you just don't want it to end.
    The first impulse is to approach the window to feel the hit of earthy smells, that unmistakable smell reconnects me in a very strange way to nature, it is as if I could understand the language of the birds, the trees and everything that lives outside the rigid walls of my home. That feeling that everything is clean and renewed again is pure joy for me and for everything that harbors life.
    Although, and I don't know why, I can also be invaded by a feeling of nostalgia and loneliness for some memory that time has taken away, or some old longing that is there latent.


    • The smell of the sea.

    The sea and its breezes are pure joy, vacations mean sea, I guess that's why the analogy. The smell of the sea floods your lungs with its own strength, the smell of the sea can be terribly sticky and transforms your hair in a single blow, and when you dive into its salts you smell totally of shells, seaweed and seahorses... although there is also something of dead fish, ugly but true.
    The smell of the sea relaxes me, calms me, and floating in the denseness of its waters allows me to totally disconnect from the absurd and mediocre problems of this world... the sea is so immense that it can listen to us and sustain us all.
    The sea is my refuge, the place where I can sit facing the sea and feel the eternal air caress my face while it whispers to me that everything will be alright...but what I love most about the sea is that it stays on my skin, and I can return to my home, to my life, that I will be smelling of the sea for a few more days.


    The world is a paradise of strange things, all connected with the human being, I could have talked about simple smells that bring back horrible memories, sometimes they come as deja vu and surprise me but they are not worth mentioning.
    I preferred to take the opportunity to remember distant and almost forgotten details that fill me with joy and refresh my soul.

    Thanks to my friend @galenkp for bringing us this beautiful theme, I will be happy to participate from now on every weekend.

    Thanks also to all those who decide to read me almost for the first time, I will be giving back to you, nice Sunday with the family for all of you!

    Pictures Redmi Note 9C
    Presentation and Banners created in Canva
    Translator used : Deepl Translate

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