in voilk •  4 months ago

    On Friday the admin at my place of work informed me that I would be taking our weekly pep talk on Monday, and Sunday sent me a reminder message concerning the pep talk. I got to the office today and during our Monday morning meeting, I was called upon to take a pep talk. I talked about having a positive mindset towards work and how it could help us to be more productive. After The meeting, my boss who was seeing me talk for the first time called me to tell me he saw his younger self in me when I was talking today. According to him, just like me, he was always very reserved when he started out as a young man, but at the same time was full of the potential he was seeing in me. I didn't know how to react, but it was such an honor hearing those words from him.

    Image by DC Studio on Freepik

    Later that morning, I was going about my normal routine check on the company's server when I discovered that our server had been hacked. Although that server had not been running fully for almost a year, my MD had asked me to see if I could get the site running again. I discovered some funny files in the c-panel that I hadn't taken note of all the while, this prompted me to check the database where I saw a truckload of heavy data moving in and out of the server with a lot of encryption. I made further investigations and discovered it had corrupted a lot of the files in the server which is enough reason for the previous sites my boss was complaining about crashed. Although I had help with the investigation process as I'm still trying to be better at web development

    By now you can guess my job description, so yes I am the Head of the ICT / Digital marketing department in my company. I supervise all IT-related activities, strategize digital marketing avenues, and run all paid campaigns for my organization. As simple as my job description looks, it's more tedious than one could imagine. Firstly because I'm seen as Mr know it all, even my team members (what I call those under my department) expect that I know it all and call me for even the smallest glitch. It's not easy cross-checking every marketing design, every written content, every IT-related mail, it's not easy dealing with every bug report and currently maintaining two servers and a website. Not to talk about me building a fresh website from scratch.

    Image by KamranAydinov on Freepik

    My Job pushes me to learn new things. Even though I'm a slow learner and always preoccupied with lots of activities, I must learn because my company depends on my level of IT knowledge. For example, the corrupted files I recognized today were because of a web development lesson I took on Friday that showed me how to access root files in the database of the c-panel. For now, I'm not proficient with coding and high-level programming, but as a software engineer who recently graduated, I can say I have come a mile with the current level of knowledge I have even though it's not where I want to be, but before the year runs out, I'm quite certain I will be where I should be. For now, I am majoring in graphics design, content writing, copywriting, Sales writing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google ads, video coverage and editing, and finally photography. This is my life outside the hive.


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