Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Fun at the fair

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Sublime and Beautiful Sunday Fun at the fair

    This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

    For this week I thought i would go with something different and share a few shots from the Whaling City Carnival last year of some of the rides.

    NOw I do not like crowds and hence do not go tot he fair during the day when its busy but I did go early one morning before it opened
    The other time I like visiting fairs is as it gets dark to get some long exposures of the rides from the edge of the fair, but due to events in previous years this carnival closes befoe dark so I havent been able to do that.

    But i was looking through my photo folders for ideas for this post and came across a few shots that I thought were fun and perhaps to some sublime and beautiful.

    Starting with the horse son the carousel, now I am far to old to ride them anymore these are for kids but I always enjoy seeing them

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    THis one I thought was cool as well it was on one of those rides you sit in a boat like shape and it swings back and forward

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    Another ride for young children little animal shaped things they sit on and enjoy the ride

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    and yes I am including a photo of an elephants butt bit isnt it cute LOL

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    and even mice can look cute at the fair

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    and a last one to finish off the post

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    Sony A7iv 75mm F10 1/500 Sec ISO 100
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    And that’s all folks

    unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

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