My Cleaning Activity For Saturday, 9th of March, 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Good evening everyone, welcome to my blog. I hope we all had a wonderful day.Today I went to our site to check the progress of work so far, at the site.I went round the building to check each of the rooms,toilets, bathrooms etc. The workers had made significant progress at the site,and the building had reached the roofing stage.

    The workers had taken some food and snacks and dumped the wastes indiscriminately on the site.The site was unkept,the place was littered with different kinds of wastes such as polythene, wraps of biscuits, wraps of sweets, papers, plastic bottles etc.

    The site was littered from the entrance to the boys quarters.I went round the building, picking up the dirts into a clear garbage bag. The place became clean and habitable to live.

    Good stewardship of the environment is not just a personal responsibility, it is a public value... Our duty is to use the land well, and sometimes not to use it at all. This is our responsibility as citizens, but more than that, it is our calling as stewards of the earth.—President George W. Bush

    These pictures show how I did my cleaning.






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