Las profecías del 2024 en ZDE/ Lo profetizado puede cambiar

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Las profecías son un tema que me ha apasionado desde que era una joven que le gustaba leer mucho y en una de esas travesías por los libros me encontré con uno escrito por un médico francés Michel de Nôtre-Dame que se hizo muy famoso con el nombre de Nostradamus, no por la medicina, sino por sus profecías escritas en forma de cuartetas y que él atribuía a sucesos que podían ocurrir en el futuro.

    En el año 1555 se publica el libro Profecías, donde están organizadas por centurias, es decir, 100 predicciones de cuatro versos cada una. Allí aparecen descrita guerras, caídas de Reyes, desastres y revoluciones.

    Hay varios aspectos que me llaman la atención sobre Nostradamus.

    • Sus visiones están escritas en forma de versos, en cuartetas cuya interpretación puede ser complicada.

    • Tuvo una gran cantidad de visiones que escribió como profecías. ¿Es que realmente todas lo eran?

    • ¿Cómo las obtenía? ¿Mientras dormía o simplemente le llegaban las imágenes a su mente estando despierto? Esto es un misterio porque creo que de así habría pasaría mucho tiempo de su vida viendo el futuro. ¿Sería posible que haya estado en el futuro, que tuviera la facilidad de viajar en el tiempo? Son preguntas que yo me hago.

    • Algunos historiadores dicen que muchas de esas profecías se cumplieron. Él las escribió en orden cronológico, pero será que realmente siguen el curso del tiempo.

    • Como sucede con muchas profecías, algunas son muy genéricas y sobre sucesos que frecuentemente ocurren en la historia, como por ejemplo las guerras, los terremotos y otros eventos catastróficos. La humanidad no ha estado exenta de estos eventos, siempre han estado presentes.

    Pero a Nostradamus se le atribuyen algunas profecías cumplidas como La Revolución Francesa y el ascenso de Adolfo Hitler

    Sobre esto escribió:

    De lo más profundo del Occidente de Europa / de gente pobre, un niño nacerá / que por su lengua seducirá a las masas / Su fama en el reino de Oriente más crecerá.



    Para el año 2024 sus profecías son una posible tercera guerra mundial, crisis climaticas que produciran extremas sequias e inundaciones y hambrunas en algunas regiones de la tierra y un gran terremoto en California.

    Nada bueno pareciera que se avecina en este año, o por lo menos eso es lo que vaticinan también otros profetas. Todos parecieran ser profetas del desastre.

    Yo creo que los terremotos y maremotos son fenómenos que ocurren todos los años en algún lugar del planeta porque él está siempre en movimiento, así que lo más probable es que se produzcan uno o varios de estos eventos que para la humanidad pueden ser catastróficos.


    En cuanto a las hambrunas, si se continúa en el proceso del calentamiento del planeta, pudiera producirse en una mayor población en las zonas que más afectadas por la sequía, efectos que ya se han comenzado a ver.

    Las guerras siguen ocurriendo en nuestro mundo, los conflictos no se resuelven y si hay una tercera guerra sería terrible para la humanidad, pero confío y espero que la sensatez prive sobre la locura y el poder.

    Esperemos por el bien de la humanidad y del planeta que aquellos sucesos que han sido profetizados no se produzcan. El tiempo no es lineal y lo que Nostradamus predijo hace muchos años solo sea una de muchas probabilidades.

    En la comunidad Zona de Escalofrío nos invitaron a opinar sobre las Profecías del 2024 en este año que apenas comienza.
    Invito a @katleya y @brujita18 a participar

    *Muchas gracias por leer



    Prophecies are a subject that I have been passionate about since I was a young girl who liked to read a lot and in one of those journeys through books I came across one written by a French doctor Michel de Nôtre-Dame who became very famous under the name of Nostradamus, not for medicine but for his prophecies written in the form of quatrains and that he attributed to events that could occur in the future.

    In the year 1555 the book Prophecies was published, where they are organized by centuries, that is to say, 100 predictions of four verses each. There are described in a poetic way and with rhyme from wars, falls of kings, disasters and revolutions.

    There are several aspects that call my attention about Nostradamus.

    1. His visions are written in verse form, in quatrains whose interpretation can be complicated.

    2. He had a large number of visions that he wrote down as prophecies. Were they all really prophecies?

    3. How did he obtain them, while he was asleep or did the images simply come to his mind when he was awake?
      This is a mystery because I believe that if so, he would have spent much of his life seeing the future. Is it possible that he came from the future or that he had the ability to travel in time? These are questions that I ask myself.

    4. Some historians say that many of these prophecies were fulfilled. He wrote them in chronological order, but could it be that they really follow the course of time.

    5. As with many prophecies, they are usually very generic.

    6. As with many prophecies these are generally very generic and about events that frequently occur in history such as wars, earthquakes and other catastrophic events. Mankind has not been exempt from these events, they have always been present.

    Nostradamus is credited with some fulfilled prophecies such as the French Revolution and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

    About the latter he wrote:

    "From the depths of Western Europe / Of poor people a child will be born / Who by his tongue will seduce the masses / His fame in the kingdom of the East will grow the more".

    And also the fall of the twin towers, although the truth is that when reading this quatrain it could be any other event.

    For the year 2024 his prophecies are related to a world war, famines due to long droughts in some regions of the earth and a great tidal wave.

    Nothing good seems to be coming in this year, or at least that is what other prophets predict. They all seem to be prophets of disaster.

    I believe that earthquakes and tsunamis are phenomena that occur every year somewhere on the planet because the planet is always in motion, so it is most likely that one or more of these phenomena will occur.

    As for famines, if the process of global warming continues, it could produce a larger population in the areas that will be most affected by drought, effects that have already begun to be seen.

    1. As with many prophecies, these are generally very generic and about events that frequently occur in history, such as wars, earthquakes and other catastrophic events. Mankind has not been exempt from these events, they have always been present.

    Nostradamus is credited with some fulfilled prophecies, such as the French Revolution and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

    About the latter, he wrote: "From the depths of Western Europe / Of poor people a child will be born / Who by his tongue will seduce the masses / His fame in the kingdom of the East will grow the more.

    For the year 2024, his prophecies are related to a world war, famines due to long droughts in some regions of the earth, and a great tidal wave.

    Nothing good seems to be coming this year, or at least that is what other prophets predict. They all seem to be prophets of disaster.

    I believe that earthquakes and tsunamis are phenomena that occur every year somewhere on the planet because the planet is always in motion, so it is most likely that one or more of these phenomena will occur.

    As for famines, if the process of global warming continues, it could produce a larger population in the areas that will be most affected by drought, effects that have already begun to be seen.

    I believe that earthquakes and tsunamis are phenomena that occur every year somewhere on the planet because they are always in motion, so it is most likely that one or more of these phenomena will occur.

    As for famines, if the process of global warming continues, it could result in a larger population in the areas that will be most affected by drought, effects that have already begun to be seen.

    Wars continue to occur, conflicts are not resolved, and if there is a third war, it would be terrible for humanity, but I trust and hope that sanity will prevail over madness and power.

    Let us hope, for the sake of humanity and the planet, that those events that have been prophesied do not occur. Time is not linear, and what Nostradamus predicted many years ago is only one of many probabilities.

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