I believe

in voilk •  5 months ago

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    I believe


    I believe in this inspirational song and it is amazing because it has always made a difference in my life, hence from the evidence from this song, I am always inspired to catch up on more endeavors because I always accept the hold of this song by Fantasia, where my decision is believing for life.

    Trespassing adversity and getting where I found myself today, has been me living my life under different niches of inspiration from different songs. I love music and I think this one in particular has taken me so far beyond the pace of my challenges.

    Something in life I remember that I soar across some standard that I can't imagine who position such for me, as much I look back and I see that am always inspire to have reached such a hight that I think i'm above some of my challenges.

    The path in-depth meaning from this song worth recommendation which it's translation is what explain what it look like in our life as much as it "can lift you up and guide you on your way" as it has done in past for me which had keep on inspiring me more on advancing in future where by aim is yet to be achieved and my goal being my priority.

    When I replay the tape of my previous inspiration songs in my life, it always gives much hope that this particular song tittled "I believe" has much advanced positive influence to back me up and as well encourage me to do more in achieving a lot in my life, of which I can boost of academically which am upon now to achieve more in getting my Masters degree as much as done in achieving my Bachelor's degree.

    The word "Believe" is alone force that tread upon my needs and wants where "I" in the caption of Fantatia song bring it in and give my believe a direction over the impossibility where obstacle are seen as opportunity to leverage upon as much as I keep dreaming it into reality.

    "I can see it in the stars across the sky" as the song says reasons is because I am inspire by this music, dreaming big has being the game I have being upon for decades, right from my childhood I have "dreamt a hundred thousand dreams" as the lyrics of the song says, hence inspiration from music has being the launcher behind my previous successful stories.

    "When you look out in the distance" you can believe me that am not far from the truth that when you believed as am Inspired by music always, is when you are liable to achieve your aim, based on my past experience and for the present and for the future inspiration I gets from music has proven to have leads my testimony across my challenges I passed through.

    "I believe" and I will always keep believing that believe is real and it exist which is the confident I found right inside my mind that has generate a lot of ideas and concept to adjust to in my experience with life, which has already change my perception over making decisions in winning more opportunities within my court, where setback is seen as abstract.

    But do you know that belief is what ignites and keeps you on what you are passionate about?, as much as I do, believing in my dream is more like believing in my imagination as I do when the lyrics of a song goes across my ears which remain as a blueprint in my memory to make use of, for the future where visions are transformed into reality or tangible achievement.

    All am doing you have to know is just to believe in the truth of this song of inspiration has, which is the beauty behind burning energy and getting result from your effort at work of which belief is the power that has to be acknowledge from this inspiring music from Fantasia as much as don't fail to "believe in the impossible" as the lyrics of the song says on "overcoming any obstacle" while i keep on believing and do your best.

    Therefore my kindly advice I got from this inspiring music is that "there a time for every soul to fly" and not forgetting that "It's in the eyes of every child" and remember that "It's the hope, the love that saves the world" I believe on the power behind this music that has decorated my life with inspiration that serves as a guild to me and for my future.

    ☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆



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