POBphotocontest - Yellow Plastic Barricades

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello Hive frineds. I hope youre having a great weekend. Here We are again for another photo challenge. For this weeks' theme is plastic, I think I found the right object for this theme.

    This weekend were on our way to the grocery again. Along the way, we saw this newly installed barricades . I like the bright yellow color, its serves it purpose right since this things should really be visible.


    Highway Safety Yellow Plastic Roller Guardrail Road Barrier

    Here is a statement according to the sellers about this product, https://www.pneumaticrubberfenders.com/

    The rotating guardrail combines the advantages of traditional barrier and new type energy -absorption anti-collision roller barrel. It inserts the anti-collision roller barrel into strengthened traditional barrier. When traffic accident happening, the roller barrel can rotate freely on the columns, and through this free rotation of the roller, they break down the impact force of the car. it can efficiently resolve the impact energy by converting the impact energy to rotational energy and pull the accident car back to normal motion trail.

    The railing installed in this area before were all metal and are already in a very bad condition. This were located in a curve so there's a lot of accidents that happened hear, as you can see this metal barriers are in a bad shape. Were just close to this place and knew no major accidents happened here.


    They just left this old barriers lying beneath these new one.

    I love how this things look, specially at night this things have this glowing sheets wrapped around them when the light strikes it(sorry no night shots). I hope this things really will function as they were advertised.


    Here is a shot of the place where we took the picture.

    That concludes my post about this lovely looking barricades, I just wish this things were never to be used by travelers. May we all drive defensively and carefully.

    Have a good day everyone. See you in the next one!

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