Position and Number of HP Determine Winning in Equal Opportunity Ruleset

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello everyone, how are you today? I hope you have a great day. Today I will make a post again about the Splinterlands contest Battle Mage Secrets Challenge. This Week's Theme is Equal Opportunity ruleset.

    I play in the Modern Format Diamond League, using my scholar account from Balthazar I only use cheap cards like Chaos, Reward, and some Neutral.

    Battle Link

    If you want to watch the Battle Link
    Video link:


    • Equal Opportunity, all monsters have Opportunity ability.
      • Opportunity ability, all monsters will attack the enemy monsters with the lowest HP.
    • Fire & Regret, all monsters have Return Fire ability.
      • When hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage to their attacker. Damage returned is equal to the damage of the attacker divided by 2, rounded up.
    • mana cap.
    • can use all elements except Water.

    My Lineup and strategy

    In this battle, we will use the Dragon element with the second element Life because the summoner in Dragon can decrease the speed of the enemy monsters and good monsters in the Light element especially :

    • Jared Scar, this monster has Bloodlust ability, Every time it kills the enemy all the stats will increase, and the attack always hits and pierces through the armor. In the low mana, not many monsters can stay alive after receiving the attack.
    • Pelacor Conjurer, every battle needs a good tanker, and this unit I think the best tanker for low mana, only 2 mana cost, has high speed and HP, can evade all kinds of attack, and has good ability.

    This is my lineup :

    Summoner or monsterAbilitiesDescription
    Quick the Devious, Summoner. Can decrease enemy monster speed and range damage by -1We used this summoner because it increases the chance for our monster to attack first by reducing the enemy's speed by -1.
    image.pngPelacor Conjurer, 1st position, Tanker. Has the ability Flying, Magic Reflect, Divine Shield, and Phase.This monster is a favorite as a tanker in the low mana battle because has high speed and can evade all attacks including magic because has the Phase ability. The Flying ability can increase the chance to dodge enemy attacks by 25%. If attacked by a magic attack and hit reflects the damage to the enemy. The ability Magic Reflect deals magic damage equivalent to the attacker's damage divided by 2, rounded up. It is immune to the first enemy attack which hit because has Divine shield ability
    image.pngVulguine, 2nd position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Scavenger, Dodge, and EnragePlaced in the 2nd position because this monster has The Scavenger ability which increases the HP every time any monster dies. I hope that when this monster advances to first place it will have quite a lot of HP. With a Dodge ability increases the chance to evade the enemy melee and range monster by 25%. Further increase in the capability to evade the enemy attack comes from Enrage's ability when this monster's HP decreases will increase the damage and speed. This monster usually only attacks If put in the first position but now with the ruleset Equal Opportunity can attack from this position.
    Venari Marksrat, 3rd position, Attacker and Support, has the ability Martyr, Ensnare, and Shatter.This monster's main job is to give Martyr ability to a monster adjacent to this monster, it will boost all the stats of the monster in the 3rd position and 4th. The problem is that this monster's HP is the same as Vulguine's, if no other monster dies before the enemy has a chance to attack (remember the Vulguine has a Scavenger ability), it may attack our Vulguine first because he is closest to the first position, to solve that problem we will use Soul Fiend unit with only 2 HP. The Ensnare ability will disable the Flying ability from the enemy monster who got attacked by this monster.
    image.pngJared Scar, 4th position, attacker. Has Bloodlust, True Aim, and Piercing AbilitiesThis is our main attacker, put in this 4th position to protect it from the front and back attack, to give it the time to kill the enemy so Bloodlust (every time this monster kill the enemy monsters then all stats will increase the effect same like Martyr ability) can be activated. This monster can't miss with the True Aim ability, and the Piercing ability makes this monster scary because every time it attacks after destroying the armor the left damage will hit the HP, and this monster's attack is very high, in the low mana battle, not many monsters who can receive the attack of this monster and stay alive.
    Naga Assassin, 5th position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Taunt, Backfire, and Swiftness.I use this monster because of the Swiftness ability which can increase all friendly monster speeds by 1. Put it here to protect our Jared Scar from back attack, it has high speed, hope can evade several enemy attacks before dies. The Backfire ability will give damage to the enemy monster if this monster can evade the attack.
    Soul Fiend, 6th position, Attacker and Support. Has Swiftness ability.We don't have mana left anymore, so we use this monster with the zero-cost mana. This monster is perfect because it can give +1 speed to all our monsters. With better speed, our chance to attack first, hit the enemy, and evade the enemy attack will increase. It can help to attack but don't count too much on this monster, it has a low attack and easy-to-die monster. We put it in the last position so all the enemy monsters with the Sneak and Opportunity abilities will attack this monster (The unit with Sneak ability will always attack the last monster because the Sneak ability overrides the Opportunity ability). If this monster dies Vulguine will have more HP than Venari Marksrat, so the next enemy target will be our Venari Marksrat.

    Our Formation is finished and we are ready to battle :

    Did your Strategy Work?

    Yes, the strategy went well and according to plan, even though the enemy also brought a monster with the Martyr ability, but the monster they buffed was the Celestial Harpy which has not too big HP so when Vulguine's HP
    increases automatically it becomes our target :

    After Soul Fiend dies, the next enemy target is Venari Marksrat, with the death of Venari Marksrat increases the stats of our two monsters Jared Scar and Vulguine, so at round 4 when our Vulguine and Jared Scar meet the enemy Vulguine and Jared Scar our unit stats are higher than the enemy units. At the start of the round, we see the enemy Vulguine which activating the Enrage ability has 5 damage. After our Vulguine are attacked by Jared Scar and activates the Enrage ability now has 6 damage. Likewise with Jared Our Scar who has bigger stats than the enemy :

    Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

    If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code https://splinterlands.com?ref=poplar-22 to join.


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