MORE COOL CANVAS FOR THE PSYSHROOOMS WORLD <3 ...but this time without any neon or colors at all :O by edga - edgasworld

in voilk •  4 hours ago

    HELLO EVERYBODY <3 i want to show you another cool psyshroooms canvas i made after the last one :)


    ...i think i was in the mood, found this little canvas and had anyways some open colors :P so here it is!


    They look good together i think :)

    ... here is the little one in progress!


    Detail shot.


    And this is how they look on my wall right now until someone maybe is interested to own them or one :))


    And thats it :))

    I hope you like it and let me know in the comments what you think about this work/s?!

    See you very soon and stay healthy!

    PEACE, LOVE and SMILE <3


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