My Favorite dApp

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Greetings to everyone in the #indiaunited community. Today is another bright and glorious day to be happy and engage in activities to keep our peace of mind. I am very happy to participate in this contest again organized by the @indiaunited community.

               My Favorite dApp

    I was introduced to the Hive blockchain by my lovely sister. When I was still a newbie on Hive I didn't know what to do as I was afraid of taking actions that might have great consequences on my account. My sister guided me in several ways, from how to blog to how to make friends and explore several communities in the blockchain. She often used ecency for her posts and blogs. Since my tutor, my sister guided me using the ecency platform, I also employed the same platform.

    I love using the ecency site to publish my post as it is so user-friendly. The features are so easy to navigate though there are some features that I don't know if they are available such as the "schedule post feature" which helps one to publish a post at a scheduled time. I know for sure that PeakD has this feature. I have seen it but whenever I want to use it, it redirects me to hivesigner which gives me a huge lot of stress.

    I also love using ecency platform for most of my publications due to their encouragement. Most of my posts upvotes come from ecency and this is because I use their interface to publish. There is a saying, "When you give, you have a chance to get more so that you can give next time". Ecency encourages bloggers who post quality content via their platform and as a result, they keep on having a great number of people using their platform for publishing.

    The only issue I have with using the ecency site for publishing is in the aspect of uploading images. When using the site to upload images, it takes a longer time and most times won't work out when there is a poor network, which is a normal thing in my environment. That's why I use PeakD for any of my posts that require a lot of images.

    I use this site for publishing my post and I also have the application installed on my phone. I love the ecency app as it sends me notifications on many updates like recent upvotes, reblogs, new posts from my favorite bloggers and bookmarked communities. The app is amazing. I enjoy using the app to view others' posts. This is because once the app opens, every link is set to open and anything I click on opens up immediately. The site has to load any new link clicked. Since I started using the ecency interface, I have been enjoying it and I love it so much, I didn't care to explore other publishing sites. This is because it's already my favorite dApp.

    In a nutshell, I am simply saying that Ecency is my favorite dApp and I use it for most of my posts and publications in the Hive blockchain because it is user-friendly and there is encouragement for hard work.

    Thanks to everyone who has read my post and love you all. This is my entry for the #iucontest round 2. It's open and anyone can participate, click here to join

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