Testing some strategies with Runemancer Florre

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

    The Rebellion edition is the latest edition of cards in Splinterlands and there are a lot of new summoners and monsters which came out with this one. Each week I focus on different monsters and discuss them in detail with strategies that best fit them. This week we are going back to the Chaos edition for an impressive unit. It is a legendary Earth unit, Runemancer Florre, a power attacker with impressive stats and a very high mana cost. It costs a whopping 13 mana to use but can this unit justify this hefty cost? Let's try to answer this question.

    Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.

    Runemancer Florre

    13 POINTS
    No abilities

    Runemancer Florre is a Legendary Earth unit. It is a high mana cost unit costing 13 mana to use but it comes with some impressive stats. On the attacking part, it deals both magic and ranged attack damage with high speed so it can be a very powerful attacker. And on the defensive side, it has a lot of health so it can be a wise choice in your battle, especially if it is a high mana cap battle or a 99 mana cap battle. It doesn't come with some abilities which would have made it too powerful in my opinion. Because it has the ranged attack too so I prefer to use it somewhere at the end of my lineup.

    Let me show you how it performs using a battle as an example.

    My Lineup

    This is my lineup for the battle

    Position 1
    Mycelic Slipspawn
    Position 2
    Regal Peryton
    Position 3
    Goblin Psychic
    Position 4
    Queen Mycelia
    Position 5
    Runemancer Florre

    It was a 53-mana cap battle and had the following rulesets:

    • Fog of War - Monsters lose the Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity abilities.
    • Holy Protection - All Monsters have the Divine Shield ability.
    • Silenced Summoners - Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.

    All elements except 'Death' and 'Dragon' were active during this battle. I went with Obsidian as my summoner as I wanted to go for a heavy mage attack and I like my Earth units.

    My tank in this battle was Grund. It is an impressive melee attacker dealing 4 melee attack damage and twice every round because of its 'double strike' ability. It also came with enough health to stand there for a while. All it cost was 10 mana which I could easily afford in this battle.

    Next in my lineup was Mycelic Slipspawn. It was another mage that had a lot of health and an interesting ability, Taunt, which made all the enemy units attack this one if they could. This helped my tank last even longer as the attackers were shifter to it. It also had the 'Forcefield' ability which lets it last even longer.

    Regal Peryton was placed in the third position, which costs 5 mana and deals 2 magic attack damage with incredible speed. It's a 'flying' ability for him it dodges more attacks. So, it was a no-brainer for me to choose in this battle.

    The next one was Goblin Psychic, a healer that supports my tank as it comes with a 'tank heal' ability. It costs only 6 mana and deals 2 magic attack damage. It also had the 'affliction' ability which lets it hide from potential attacks until it gets in the first place.

    Queen Mycelia played a crucial role in my lineup as it gave all of the friendly units +2 armour which increased the defensive capabilities of my units. It only dealt one magic attack damage but it was one of the cheaper units and cost just 4 mana to use.

    And finally, the highlighted unit, Runemancer Florre. I placed it at the end of the lineup so its ranged attacks continue to work for much longer. I could have used its huge health to shield my other monsters by placing it in the middle of the lineup or even further ahead but I didn't want to waste that ranged attack damage.

    Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

    I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

    My Strategy

    My strategy for this battle was not much influenced by the rulesets provided but more by the mana cap. Having 53 mana caps was more than enough for me to use heavy tanks at the front of the lineup while using powerful attackers at the same time and incorporating high mana cards like the Runemancer Florre.

    My focus on this battle was to just have a couple of strong and sturdy tanks which can take a lot of beating and I supported them with heal and extra armour so they could last even longer.

    This was a simple strategy but very effective. Using Runemancer Florre to increase the overall attacking and defensive strength of the lineup was a good strategy as you will see that it was the only one left at the end and defeated a couple of units easily. All of my units were working well together.

    This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

    My opponent went with a mix of attack damage. Using a couple of strong melee attackers as their tank in the front and then a couple of mages with heal and armour repair abilities and finished their lineup with a couple of powerful ranged attackers. It looked like a well-balanced approach.

    Round 1 was just back and forth. Each of our tanks was powerful enough to take the beating from the entire team and stay alive after the end. But their Uriel the Purifier got eliminated at the start of round 2 but they had it resurrected and it took us a few more hits to get rid of it for good but not before my Mycelic Slipspawn left my team.

    So the first few rounds were slow as both teams got through the beefy units at the front of the lineup. Once those were out of the equation, the battle looked very close. It was head-to-head as both teams kept losing their units one by one.

    It was a long battle that lasted for several rounds but at round 7 I was left with only Runemancer Florre against two of their weaker range attackers and both of those were easily sorted out by my unit.

    Ranged attackers coming onto the front line is a bad thing but it was worse for them as they had two ranged units at the end of the lineup and those didn't have huge health too, while my beast had both magic attack and huge health. So, it was an easy win at the end of the battle which looked tough at some point.


    Runemancer Florre played a crucial role in my lineup, not only does it increase the overall attacking strength of your lineup by dealing both ranged and magic attack damage, but it also adds massively to the defensive strength as it comes with huge health of its own. Yes, it costs a hefty amount of mana but if you have enough mana it could play a huge role in your lineup.

    I recommend it in your lineups if you have some extra mana to spare and want some more attacking strength to your lineup. Let me know if you find it useful as well.

    Thanks for reading...

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