Giving up the fight is not an option.

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Life in Nigeria is hard. For many decades, the country remained a developing country with a very slow pace of development. Many Nigerians survive each day by mercy. They are not sure of where the meal for the next day would be coming from. The greatest nightmare bedeviling Nigerians is the inadequate presence of social amenities like electricity, good road network, water and affordable transportation system. In the midst of all these, if there is any thought that frequents the mind of an average Nigerian, it is the thought of giving up the fight. I have had this thought many times.

    A few years ago, I left home to an organization to apply for a job. On getting there, the desk officer in charge of receiving applications on behalf of the management of the organization went through my curriculum vitae and she advised me to edit it.

    I went out of the organization to look for a computer service center in order to print the edited CV.

    When I asked about the cost of the printing, I realized that it was very expensive. I checked my pocket and found out that if I went ahead to do the printing, I would trek for kilometers back home. I would have to cover two drops by trekking before using the balance to take the third and last drop of the trip. I contemplated the next decision to take.

    "Should I go back home and come another day?"

    "Should I print the CV and submit my application and face the consequences?"

    After a few minutes of contemplation, I decided to go for the latter. I printed the CV and submitted my application. I started the trekking immediately.

    A way out occured to me. My instinct told me to approach one or two people to beg for financial assistance to cover my transportation. The distance wasn't an easy one to be trekked.

    I walked up to a gentleman in a suit and tie, who wound down the window of his Mercedes Benz to order a recharge card at a mini supermarket.

    "Good afternoon, Sir," I greeted him.

    He scanned my appearance from head to toe before responding to me. P

    "Please, I am going to Zuba and I ran out of cash. Can you assist me with the balance of my transportation fare?" I asked with my head bowed.

    For a few seconds, he was silent.

    "Corporate beggar, go and get a job," he finally responded after scanning my dresses the second time.

    Corporate beggar is a popular term in Abuja that refers to some lazy people that wake up in the morning, dress corporately and go into the street to beg for different reasons which are lies. Here I am wearing a corporate dress. I was pained with the comment. I removed my handkerchief and cleaned sweat on my forehead before walking away.

    I vowed never to ask anyone again that day for assistance. I faced my trekking squarely.

    A friend called me a few minutes later. I discussed the proposed submission of the application with Ben the previous day. He called me to ask about my outing.

    "Ben, the embarrassment I received today is one of its kind. If I had known, I wouldn't have come to submit this application."

    "What happened to you?" He asked.

    I explained everything to him. "I will have to take a rest from this struggle of mine," I declared.

    "Life is a battle. You left home so that you can feed home. Do you know how many people that your success will affect positively? I am sending you two things right now. I will send you a token that I have with me so that you can take a cab to complete your journey. The second thing that I will send you is a song by Majek Fashek titled "can't give up the fight." Check your WhatsApp after this call.

    True to his words, he sent me the money and the song shortly after we ended the call. I withdrew the money and took a cab to complete my journey. Immediately I sat inside the car, I plugged in my earpiece to listen to the song.
    I am a reggae lover and as I listened to the song by the reggae legend, it resonated with my soul.

    In the song, he talked about his plan of not giving up the fight. To him, he has to be convinced about the reason for giving up the struggle. He said that he was aware of the battle and I immediately thought in the same direction. For a young boy who has struggled over the years without a silver spoon, I was aware of the battle. It was just that the battle was becoming overwhelming. One declaration that he made that reawakened my dying spirit is that;

    "Hey a living dog is better than a dead lion
    A living dog is better than a dead lion"

    It rejuvenated my spirit. Once there is life, there is hope. I ruled out giving up the fight.

    I didn't get that particular job but this song has been a great motivation since that time till now.

    "God is the God of the living," I said to myself each time that my spirit is going down.

    I have recorded some wins since that time but I am not near where I hope to be. It is a continuous journey and this beautiful song remains a great source of motivation.

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