in voilk •  4 months ago

    Being a woman indeed is far more than just having the female reproductive system and sex organ.Being a woman comes with a lot of responsibilities, challenges,dramas, and lots more, thats the reason why i always and will keep saying every woman is a strong warrior, fearless and unshaken no matter the storm.

    The most intresting thing about being a woman is the strength we have during challenges and circumstances. I will use my mom as a case study here. So this story dates back to the 1990's where parents keep wife for their children . My dad as at that time was a young man serving God and also seeking for a wife, so according to the story she tells me. Dad met mummy and asked for her hand in marriage and she also decided to pray then later the marriage date was fixed and every rightful thing was done and then they got married legally and properly🥰.
    Everything was done and the couples came back home. According to them my father's father wanted him to stay in thr family compund and build his house there and thats where they lived and mehn that was the beginning of problem, because the family were against my mom because he didnt marry who they wanted him to. The problems got worst when mom stayed years without a child. Mum was persecuted, insulted, and mocked but in all this she was still strong tho she cried at times. It even got to a point where the whole village were agsinst a single woman. Okay.... Finally God blessed her with the fruit of the womb which was me first then my annoying brother second. And the vowed never for her to have a male child, so they did whatever they did and my brother was down with a disease which till today i dunno the name, when he is given food or water it passes directly to the anus.
    But out of all this my mom wad still strong and at the same time respectful to her inlaws..sometimes am forced to tell her that omoh
    If it were to be me i would walk away .

    Another attribute of i so much admire is motherliness
    Tho not all women are motherly but majority are. The soft heartness of women movee me a lot . So here is another story, There was a woman(may her soul rest in peace) a church member tho who was down with an illness( fibriod) , she only just put to bed and the baby was barely 6 month. And when the case got worst and she had to relocate from her residence, mom decided to accomdate her.
    She took care of her like her first daughter, bath her and even spent most of the night
    Everyone tried their best to make her alive but i guess God just wanted her home.

    The other characteristics of being a woman that makes me blush and super proud of being one are the fact that women are:

    ALTARS: We can build and individual as well as destroy at a snap
    But this particular attribute is always misused and again we bring life into the world🤗

    Nature: we are nature by ourselves. I enjoy the instant connection we have with nature.

    Hardworking: I will actuall atest to this because my mom is a workacholic.

    Women are great, trust me.

    Thank you for reading to end 🙏🙏
    I appreciate your time and effort to see me grow and excel here

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