Good afternoon all the members of this family. This is a family that allows everyone to post their craftwork.
I'm so excited to be here today. Hopefully, I'm here to share with you what I did today and the steps.
Today, I was able to make a flower basket with the use of a dispensable cup, and the color was red, my favorite color.
The following are the steps:
First step: I took the cup with my hands.
The second step: I use scissors to cut off the upper part of the dispensable cup.
Third step: After cutting off the upper part of the cup, I took a photo so I could show you what it looked like.
Fourth step: I used scissors to cut it into tiny pieces.
Fifth step: I used my hands to bend the ones I'd cut into the tiny holes beside them.
Sixth step: I took the upper part of the dispensable cup that I cut off earlier and used it as a handle.
Seventh step: I put some flowers inside the basket, to show that it was a flower basket.

That was the last thing that I did. I'm so excited because I'm improving. I can attest to it. When I woke up this morning, I was wondering how I would do the flower basket.
Fortunate enough, I followed the steps carefully, till I got it correctly.
Thank you for visiting my blog.