Proud mama here for my son's achievements

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good day motherhood community!!!
    What's up everyone?I hope you are all doing great today.

    I am happy and proud as a mom for my son's achievements.

    Yesterday ,my son told that today is their second quarter portfolio day.He told me I need to be there and wear and presentable clothes hahaha.I was asking him if he is one of the honor students and he proudly answered "yes mama".

    I feel so happy and proud for his achievements,though it's not yet the final average since there's still a 3rd and 4th grading but still I am so proud of him for being improve on his studies.


    Last year his average did'nt reach the average grade for a with honor students which is 90% of total for all the subjects.His grade always at 89%.

    He felt jealous for his honor classmates but I keep reminding him not give more pressure on it .It does'nt matter for me if don't reach that average grade for honor students as long as he did his best and he learned something from his studies.

    I admitted that he find hard especially on the math subject and other things is his not like the other kids who focus on their studies.Since he was a 6 years old that time ,he easily get distracted especially when he was thinking to play.

    And now that he is in grade two I can say that he is improving.A lot of times his not asking my help to answers his assignment and proudly to say that he did it with his own.

    I feel so happy for his improvement and honestly I am not expecting him to one of the honor students as I keep remind him to not giving more pressure on getting that higher grades.As long as he will study and enjoy his childhood days as well.

    So this afternoon around 1 in the afternoon we went to the school to attend the short program or portfolio day.

    The program was held in the grade two classroom since the school stage is not yet done.It only have a small space and the parents and students makes it crowded.


    Hopefully the school find some funds for it .The money they get from the December candidates for little prince and princess was been spent for the comfort room for the grade four classroom.

    Supposedly this February there's a little valentine prince and princess and my son is their candidate for the grade two pupils but because of too busy ,the teachers decided not to continue the fund raising plan.

    (The not yet finish school stage)

    The program was started with a prayer and singing the national anthem and followed with a welcome remarks by the PTCA president.
    I was sitting outside the classroom so I was'nt able to take some photos haha.

    After that the grade two students(honored)was called for their poem recitation.I was surprised coz my son did'nt tell me about it haha.

    After that some selected students from the other grades had their dance presentation and followed with the giving of excellence certificates by grade level


    This scenario reminds me my childhood days haha,I was an honor students back then and there were times I did'nt tell my parents about it ,they just surprised when I got home with a ribbon haha.

    And that's it for today ,I just happy sharing you my son's achievements and as a mom I am so proud of him with or without an award.

    Thank you for your time and have a great day !

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