Friday's Er-Runs [Errands]

in voilk •  3 days ago

    We left the house at 5:30 Friday morning for a 3-hour drive to the province capital. Waking up earlier than the rest of the world neighborhood and driving through the darkness felt surreal, maybe because it's been a long while since we had such an early trip. We usually do that in the previous years but rarely as of late.

    We were along the national highway when these photographs were taken. We had been on the drive for 56 minutes then. The hubby noticed the strange look of the clouds saying they looked flat (whatever he meant by it, only he knows, lol!

    The sky was getting brighter as we went on, him in the driver's seat as usual and me enjoying the scenery, taking snapshots of landscapes, sky, mountains, and other things that got my attention.

    We pulled over by the Northway's Cafe two hours later thinking we would have light breakfast or coffee. Unfortunately, the place was still closed despite having the signage "OPEN" in their window. So we left and found another place where we had congee instead. For some reason, we didn't take pictures of the place or the steaming bowls at least.

    After that quick bite and a short rest, we went on with the drive, passing through what is popularly known as "The Half-Tunnel" where the hubby noticed a gentleman recording a video of himself, pointing behind him below the roadside barrier. He might be showing his viewers where he was. "Look at that, your friend is doing a selfie," the Farmboy said jokingly. "Maybe he's a TikToker," he continued. "You can find him later," I teased although no one among us visits TikTok.

    At past 8 am, we were in Topdac where this artwork was seen and photographed. I didn't check why it was said to be the heart of our region. My first time learning about it. There was another set of murals along that wall which will be shared on another day.

    At 9 am, we were almost arriving. Unfortunately, we found ourselves caught in traffic just along the Camp Dangwa Police compound.

    Knowing how slow things move in that part of the capital, I took the chance to take a nap and avoid getting pissed off, lol! The hubby woke me up when we were queuing for the parking area. It was full so we spent half an hour waiting for a space to become available.

    That's one of the things we don't like when traveling to that part of the region as we spend more time waiting or being stuck in traffic. The Farmboy was losing his patience but had no other choice. By the time we got a spot, it was 10:30 am!

    Thankfully, our appointments went smoothly we were done with all 3 in just an hour which gave us some time to take our wee pup for a run at the university grounds before we headed to our lunch date (and that will be a topic for another day).😊

    Happy Friday, frens! Have a fantabulous one!

    Unless specified, all photos are my own. 29062024/00:56ph

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