in voilk •  4 months ago

    Difficulties and challenges are bound to occur in the life of every person, over the years i have witnessed and experienced both the downfalls and successes of many people out there who have been faced with one or two many difficulties in life. I won’t blame those that were crushed by their difficult moments, I won’t say they weren’t strong enough to overcome them but one of things i’d say is that, i believe if they had someone to inspire and motivate them along the way, they would have never been consumed by those difficulties but rather find the strength to look for an opportunity to rise above those difficulties, and to those who found strength amidst their difficulties and made a great opportunity out of it, I must say a big congratulations to them but it doesn’t end there

    If there’s one thing i have come to learn from life and situations over the years, it the fact that there will always be difficulties and difficult moments, and the larger your dreams and aspirations the larger the difficulties and challenges you are bound to face in life, only those with little dreams and goals face less difficulties, so think twice before setting your life’s goal

    This is why i love movies and some motivational posts, i get to see a lot of eye catching inspirational quotes from many great men in the past, i would sharing quite a few incase there’s someone out there who needs to hear these words this morning to overcome a particular difficulty they are experiencing right now…

    The difficulties and struggles of today are but the price we must pay for the accomplishments and victories of
    tomorrow. -William J. H. Boetcker…

    Difficulties in life do not come to destroy you, but to help you realise your hidden potential and power. Let difficulties know that you too are difficult. -APJ ABDUL KALAM…

    These two awesome quotes are always there to inspire and motivate me whenever i am being faced with difficulties in life, when all hope seems lost, i go through these men’s profile to find strength to keep fighting, a big kudos to WILLIAMS & ABDUL KALAM for this awesome quotes

    In summary, challenges and difficulties are bound to occur in life, they are building blocks to one’s success in life, but never forget one’s manner of approach towards these difficulties is determining factors to its end results…

    So without further ado, i will be diving right into what I have for you all today on this particular topic, i will be sharing that one difficulty I embraced in the past, how i coped with and the moral lessons i derived after overcoming and embracing it, so join me on this awesome journey in the paragraphs below;


    I have always been a very strong and brilliant child since childhood, i don’t have to be told that before knowing that fact, well that was then though, not so sure now 😂…

    As a result of this gift and ability, my education was faster than expected, I entered into college before the age of 15 and by 17 i was out of high school, majority of my friends who came from rich families and semi rich families graduated even before the age of 17, which means i lost a lot of friends not to death but to faster education and probably because of one or two connections their parents had outside…

    I graduated high school at the age of 17 and by then i had gotten news of my childhood friends gaining admission into several prestigious private universities, i was happy for them but was also a bit sad because i ought and wished to be there also, but life happened and everything changed…

    I embraced life and moved on hoping to join them the next year, as we all know, friends come and go and in no time i made and bonded with other friends, soon after most of them took the UTME examinations that year and got admitted into different institutions, i was supposed to be amongst them too but for one reason or the other i wasn't able to take it that year, but then again life happened and this time my friends and I grew apart, and i was forced to rethink the essence of graduating high school early if i won’t be joining the tertiary institutions anytime soon…

    There was no one to blame other than LIFE, it was so hard to move on that it started affecting me bit by bit. One day i went to my parents and shared my thoughts with them and that was when i was made to understand things clearly…

    Through my mother’s words and experiences i grew and embraced life once again, what i depended on was my will to never stop trying, i gave it my all and kept my head up high with the sole aim of making success at the end…

    In summary, while batting with life’s difficulties and challenges, I learnt and grew in diverse ways, I learnt that there is no late comer when it comes to making success, I learnt that what will be will be and that everything about life is predestined but you have the power to rewrite your life

    In conclusion, the overall lesson i learnt was that; as long as i am willing and able to give it my best, success is bound to come and testimony is sure to surface

    I learnt to become strong, calculative, confident, independent, focused, disciplined, diligent and steadfast, and I believe one day my efforts will be crowned

    NB; all images were designed by me on canva…

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