My Actifit Report Card: April 26 2024

in voilk •  3 months ago

    My day was a whirlwind of ups and downs, ending on a real downer.

    It started positively: double birthdays! Twice the celebration, twice the work.


    I made crowns for the girls - a unicorn for the girly one and a fire-breathing dragon for the tough one.


    They were a hit, and seeing their joy filled me with pride.

    Parents are allowed to celebrate school birthdays, and today's treat was a delicious apricot pie.


    A perfect pick-me-up with a cup of coffee in the midst of the chaos.

    Birthdays are bittersweet. It's a happy occasion, but for these 4-year-olds, it means moving on to a new group.

    So, I felt a mix of smiles and tears - happy for their birthdays, sad to say goodbye.

    Then, looking around my classroom filled with joyful children playing, my heart soared again.


    Who wouldn't smile at a little fireman singing his heart out?

    The afternoon was dedicated to King's Day festivities.


    It's almost here in the Netherlands, and elementary schools turn into playgrounds.

    All lessons are forgotten as the focus shifts to exercise, togetherness, and most importantly, fun!

    Of course, being Dutch, we had to endure a rain shower, but the kids didn't even flinch.


    From a distance, I watched them erupt with laughter and joy in the schoolyard.

    Just then, my phone rang. It was the vet. My French bulldog, Funs, had a lump checked on Wednesday.

    I wasn't expecting results until next week, but I answered anyway.

    Surprisingly, the results were ready.

    While relieved they were reviewed quickly, my happiness vanished. The lump was a small cancerous tumor.

    The vet advised surgery to remove it as the cells were still dividing - meaning it was growing.

    Since it's on his testicles, castration is necessary to ensure complete removal.

    Afterward, the tumor will be sent to a pathologist to determine if it's benign or malignant.

    Malignancy means it could spread.

    I'm trying not to think about that yet.

    It was a lot to process on the phone.

    Funs turns 8 on May 1st, and I desperately want him around for many more years.

    This news makes that uncertain.

    His surgery is scheduled for May 15th.

    Owning a pet comes with unexpected costs, and unfortunately, my finances are tight.

    I have savings, but not expected to be spending it on this.

    No air conditioning or new vacuum cleaner this year, but that's a small price to pay for Funs' well-being and hopefully, many more years together.

    The rest of the day blurred after that phone call.

    It truly was a bombshell, leaving me with a literal headache because of all the worries.

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    Wishing you all the best in life and much health.

    @meraki7578 💚

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    Is on discord.gif

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    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

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