"The Santa Puppy"
Alla Prima Oil on Paper (Fabriano Tela)
40cm x 30cm
Today's oil painting was supposed to be ready for Chrismas, and then life got in the way... 😀 To all of you a heartfelt Happy New Year with my best wishes for 2025!
Das heutige Ölbild hätte eigentlich zu Weihnachten fertig sein müssen, aber das Leben hatte andere Pläne für mich... 😀 Euch allen von Herzen einen guten Rutsch und ein frohes neues Jahr 2025!
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)
"The Santa Puppy" (Detail)