What About Some Tasty Slices of Pizza?

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Certain foods make us feel alive. And one of our comfort foods is slices of pizza. No matter how many kinds of dishes our taste buds love, we always find our way back to craving them. For today’s episode of our food discoveries, we wanted to highlight how we enjoyed the pizza from a famous pizza house in a neighboring town. We already heard of it from our friends, and just recently, we wanted to try it.

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    It was a 15-minute drive there, and we were welcomed by the business owner together with their menu. Since there were empty seats, we sat down while deciding which one to buy. It is just a small pizza house, not the usual big names like Pizza Hut, Greenwich, and Shakey.

    Since choosing between the available pizzas is challenging, we asked them about their best-sellers. And when they mentioned the four best-selling pizza flavors, we wanted to try them all and ordered them. The staff wrote down our orders before going back to the counter.




    We remained seated while waiting for our order and started observing the place. It would also be great if people ate their pizza right here since the ambiance is perfect. Even with the limited space, it will still give you the best eating time. Also, paintings on the wall emphasize that they mainly sell pizza. But there are also available rice meals, pasta, and drinks. It is just that their main course is pizza.



    After around 30 minutes of waiting, the staff rang the bell, and that’s the cue. We received our orders and went home to share the food with our family. When we had already hit the road again, we could smell the aroma of the newly-cooked pizza, and we were drooling along the way. We opened the four boxes as soon as we got home and asked our friends and families to grab a slice. Some went to buy soda, but the elders preferred eating it with hot coffee.





    Thank you so much for reading. Sending good vibes to everyone!

    Connect with us: theferrerblogs@gmail.com

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