Rainbow Bracelet | Creative-Sunday

in voilk •  29 days ago

    I recently made a new friend who is only 10 but she talks- oh my god she is so talkative. My friends call me talkative but I guess they just don't see her yet.

    But she's cute too - I think every talkative girl is cute because we're both cute and talkative at the same time... Oh, I just introduced new research🤣🤣

    Well, last Thursday she visited me and I was cleaning out my old stuff, where she found a rubber band bracelet that my friend gave me a long time ago...she loved that bracelet and wanted that bracelet. But since the bracelet was a gift, I promised her that I would make her a new rubber band bracelet.

    There are specific types of rubber bands that are used to make bracelets but because he was still a child... I cheated and used normal hair bands to make bracelets... Ooh Pakistan and its Corrupt people😂😂 I'm just kidding.


    • Pencils
    • Rubber bands
    • Hook


    In the first step, I made a stand for making the bracelet it's not so important or a must-do step for bracelet making as you can also use two fingers for this process but if you don't want to use fingers you can also make it just by using two pencils and fixing eraser or any hard stuff between them as shown in the image below👇

    In the next step -add a red band to the pencil in a zigzag way

    Then, I added two more bands of different colors but this time you don't need to add them in a zigzag way. Just simply add them on pencils.

    Next, remove the red band from the pencil from both sides, I just removed it from one side to show a clear sight of the process, and for clearer understanding.

    Now add another band on the pencil as I added the green one.

    Now the step is quite the same as the steps we did before. Now you just have to add one rubber band on top and remove the one rubber band from the bottom. And keep repeating the step.

    In the last step, when you have two rubber bands on the pencil instead of adding a new rubber band you just have to hold both rubber bands and add the hook between them.

    And ta-da our bracelet is ready to wear. Here is the final look of the rainbow bracelet👇

    Here is the result when I'm wearing it.

    That's it for today, see you guys in another post with another topic and interesting DIY process.... Bye Bye😜

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