May the light that shines in my eyes

in voilk •  7 days ago



    the light that shines in my eyes today and that I show through my gaze, may it reach you through the moon that illuminates our nights.

    you see it, you will know that I send you the greatest kisses and the most sincere love that no other person can ever give you.

    return those feelings to me with the light of the sun that illuminates and warms us every day, so that when I see it shining, I can know that you received my message and that you return it with the same love with which I sent it to you.

    now on, may the moon and the sun be our most faithful accomplices, guardians of this love that unites us and silent messengers that allow us to express ourselves through their eternal presence in the firmament.

    time we see them there, each in their own place, we will know that although the distance that separates us is great, it cannot be eternal.
    you are there and I am here, we will not be so far away from each other, because we will both be able to see the same sun, the same moon and the same stars that adorn the sky.
    the sun rises in the morning, I will remember your warmth and the light that radiates from your smile. And at night, as I gaze at the full moon, I will feel your arms around me with infinite tenderness.
    will be our silent accomplices, the witnesses of a love that transcends physical barriers and that will remain intact as long as the universe continues its relentless course.
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      Let your ward be fulfill by Almighty God Amen