in voilk •  3 months ago

    picture is mine

    Life as I always say is like a two sides of a coin. It depends on how you turn it and which one is facing you. Good and ugly which normally constitutes an experience that remains indelible in the heart of people. Most at times these experiences are unforgettable.
    This year has been an amazing one because I have been confronted with all the faces of life which I have never had before. Before I proceed, I would like to appreciate God Almighty for the privilege to be alive and see another end of the year despite the economic hardship in the country. Many thought we won't survive it because the financial terrain was somehow very difficult.

    The unforgettable experience that happened to me was in the course of first quarter of the year. Generally I have a strong passion for humanitarian services and paying back to the community in my own kind of way. I have been involved in reaching out to various communities across my area with any services I can afford at a moment. It all happened in March 28-31, 2024 where my team and I were involved in an outreach to community. It was far from where I lived but sacrifice was made just to ensure that there is an even sharing and reaching out of what was available to the communards.

    We arrived and spent four days in that community. It was an awesome experience. On the 31st day of March, 2024 as I returned home, the next news I would here was the annou

    The sudden demise of my beloved uncle prof Akwash. He was a great pillar and Iroko tree that was a shoulder to many in the family. It was quite shocking and it took me a couple of minutes to regain myself. How can I be in haste to forget about such tragic experience? It was truly a tough time. As we were mourning my uncle, something ugly again happened after two days.

    The younger brother to my late uncle was the only one available on ground to accept condolences from people. His wife too happened to be there assisting the deceased wife to fix some things. In the morning on Tuesday after devotion in my late uncle's house. My uncle's younger brother wife slumped after rushing her to the hospital, she couldn't come back to life. That's how we moved her to the mortuary. Her first daughters wedding supposed to be the subsequent week ooooo hmmm see what happened just within the space of two days...

    Two corpse in the mortuary, my uncle and my uncle's younger brother wife. This really distorts a lot of activities within our family at that period. The subsequent day, we buried one on Monday while the other on Tuesday then traditional wedding and church wedding were held at the subsequent days.
    Immediately we buried them, we had to face the wedding. The lady really danced uncontrollably that even the officiating ministers confessed that they have never seen any bride like this before.

    Hmmmm 2024 was really a blow to my heart because of these two incidence. Thank God for his faithfulness to see today.
    Thanks for reading through my entry for week 145 edition 3 on this beautiful community and all comments appreciated.

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