Some photography of fishing boats and their activities

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Happy Tuesday To All Awesome Hivers

    I hope we all always be happy 💞

    Several months ago, on December 27 2023 to be precise, I went to the beach to calm my mind, because working in the office really made my head a little dizzy. I went with my friend who also works at the same place as me. The beach I visited is not far from where I work, approximately 7.7 km away. I went by motorbike. This beach is called Ujong Blang Beach or Sea. After arriving at the beach I saw several people doing activities on the beach, I immediately approached them while asking their permission that I wanted to entertain them by taking photos. Before I tell you about their activities, I will first show the pictures that I took. Let's see now.

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    All the pictures above are pictures of fishing boats. This boat does not use an engine, meaning fishermen use this boat by rowing. The color is unique, namely pink, one of the colors that women like. Some of the boat pictures above, I took photos from close range, but the results look like I took them from a distance, this is because before taking the photos I set or selected the camera on my smart phone, namely 0.5x or used telephoto lens. This method is my favorite.

    Gambar Kegiatan Nelayan.

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    The picture above shows the activities of fishermen looking for fish. At that time I saw them using fishing gear, namely drag nets, but in my area it is better known as beach drag seines. The use of this fishing equipment requires a boat to be used to place the beach seine in the open sea and several people to pull it from the shore to land. I took all the pictures of fishermen activities from a long distance, but some pictures still use the 0.5x setting or using a telephoto lens, because this is my favorite way of photographing and there are also some pictures that use the 1.0x setting. In fact, I really want to accompany the fishermen's activities until they are finished or until the results of their fish catch are on land, so that I can photograph the results of the catch and share it with all of you here. However, because the work break was over, I returned to the office to work again.

    Those are some of the images I am sharing today with my wonderful hivers friends. Hopefully with this post you can be entertained. Thank you all for visiting and supporting me.

    Important !!! Images and text are 100% mine. Taken using a Samsung Galaxy A 72 smart phone. I translated all the text using Google translate from Indonesian to English.


    Who Am I?

    The words Who am I take from one of the famous films starring a top artist named Jackie Chan, this film is called Who Am I ?

    I am is a man named Aramiko born in 1993 from Indonesian Country. I really like new things, because it can make me better, add experience, and add insight. One of the new things is knowing, learning and joining this I am very happy to join this because I get new things that I did not know before. The posts that I share here are about natural scenery, food, flowers, art, traveling, these are all according to my hobbies and I really like and enjoy them. I also like things about Fisheries, Agriculture and Livestock.

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