Splinterlands Social Media Challenge: My Battle for the Day - Melee Mayhem

in voilk •  3 months ago

    spl soc media.png

    Hello Splinterlands Summoners! Everyday we play a lot of battles in Splinterlands. Not only does it earn as SPS and other stuff, it's also fun. Everyday I have a favorite battle. Either because I smarted my opponent by anticipating his cards or because I chose the right cards for the particular ruleset.

    Here's my favorite battle for the day. The rules are:


    Rise of the Commons - Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
    Melee Mayhem - Melee attack Monsters can attack from any position.
    Max Mana of 49
    The choice of Splinters are Fire, Water, Light and Dragon.

    For high mana battles, I usually pick Dragon combined with Light then I'd pick Uriel the Purifier, Adelaide Brightwing and Chaos Dragon but due to the ruleset, those legendary cards are out of the question. So I chose Water Splinter.

    In this particular ruleset, Water is a good choice because it has a lot of good common and rare cards. Also, Kelya is great in this ruleset because of the Shield and Speed she offers. For my lineup, I picked:

    Diemonshark is one of the best tanks with high damage, speed, health and shield aside from its abilities.


    Flying Squid is a common card but excellent as second tank. It deals decent damage, has great speed and has Reach ability. At level six it has Blind ability which is perfect in this battle.

    Coastal Sentry is one of my favorite reward cards but I don't use it often because I prefer Diemonshark as the main tank. With four melee damage and speed coupled with Double Strike ability it sure deals a lot of damage and wrecks the opponent quickly.


    Disintegrator. I picked this one because I expect the opponent will also choose melee cards. It has the Demoralize ability which reduces melee attack. It also deals decent damage so this was a no brainer choice for me.


    Deeplurker. In my opinion, this is one of the best common cards in the CL set. It has high damage and speed, has the Snipe Ability and only six mana. At level 6 it gains Poison ability.


    Swamp Spitter has high damage and has the Repair ability which provides additional defense support to the team.

    My opponent also chose the Water Splinter but he picked the Dumacke Orc as the main tank. His team is almost the same as mine except for the main tank and he was missing the Squid.

    The battle:



    Thanks for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!

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