Quest For Building A Better Nation

in voilk •  2 months ago


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    Nigeria is blessed with abundant natural and human resources. These resources, if fully utilized and managed properly, there will be no nation in the world that will be conducive and favorable for her people. Over 200 million people with large land mass with many prized resources which can be compared with many countries of the world, Nigeria is truly the "Giant" of Africa and beacon on the world's affairs.

    Despite these blessings, many people especially discouraged Nigerians have described this nation as a "failed" state. But others like me still believe that it will still work and be better for the safety and happiness of her numerous citizens. They worried about several obstacles and challenging situations that needed to be corrected and adjusted as a civilized state for better performance and success of the people. Let's share some of their areas of their worries and how best, it can be improved.

    Challenges Situations In Nigeria.

    We will focused on the Nigerian society, structure, agencies, and administration to note the problems being faced and how it have affected the nation and world at large.

    Judicial Malfunction in Nigeria.

    As they said that court should be the last hope of the common man which means that everyone will obtain justice and freedom freely but Nigeria judicial system is a laughing stock in the comity of the world.

    Recently, US department issued a report on the unjust and lengthy detention of former Central Bank of Nigeria, Mr. Godwin Emefile and Kanu Nnamdi on unnecessary charges. The court have ruled favorably for them and grant them bails but the watchdogs of the government still hold them captive, what a mocking! An unfair justice system, which is heavily influenced the heads of the government.

    Corrupt political leaders was jailed for their embezzlement of the public fund, only to be acquitted by the former president of the Nation with presidential powers, what a mocking action from him and shows how the fight against corruption and independence of the judicial system have failed in the country. Many arrested Kidnappers, bank armed robbers and ritualists still on trials for years without conviction thereby stressing the works of judicial system and correctional administration.

    There's no effective promulgated laws on gun rights and control resulting on many guns in the wrong hands causing huge problems for the people. Many people are killed and maimed regularly without detention of the culprits. For example, young lady named Deborah was mobbed and stoned by group of her classmates on the alleged charges of blasphemy. It was even been filmed and celebrated by many people and yet no arrest and persecution on them.

    Judges are few and corrupt because their integrity have been bought or influenced by the powers of the high. Many of them are publicly political parties members which are the main reason for thwarting judicial and promote favoritism among the society. Many people are occupying the high political positions courtesy of wrong judgment passes. Currently, one of those is a serving Governor but he was installed because he was lifted from the fourth Position on elections but he is good with the power that be and they hand him, the governorship title from their corrupt judiciary system.

    Dilapidated Infrastructural System.

    Good infrastructure structures is the backbone for development of the area whether physical, economic and otherwise. Despite billions of dollars spent every year on construction of roads, bridges, railways and airports, but Nigeria still suffer from lack of goods infrastructures and good ones are really lacking in numbers. Mobility of goods and passengers are challenged as it take many days for short distance and it's very expensive. Our infrastructures are now death sentence as fatal accidents occurs repeatedly and lives lost.

    Disruption of socio-economic activities are heightened and hamper the development of the economy. Every mode of transportation needs improvement and Nigeria is in serious debt to provide the existing ones. For example, over 12 billion of dollars was borrowed from Chinese companies and banks for construction of Lagos - Ibadan railway, which is the most effective transportation hub on the Nigerian shore.

    Nigeria is suffering from lack of housing stock. The demand for good accommodation and housing services is very high and leads to untold suffering and pain to many Nigerians. Even some governmental office are shared by many agencies, schools lacks enough and good buildings and hospitals are few too. These are critical and vital infrastructures that should drives needed development of Nigeria economy


    Nigeria needs to be restructured and good leaders to improve their poor status. Our natural resources should be utilized locally for good roads and infrastructural needs.

    This post is in response to the invitation and according to #aprilinleo prompt of day 25. Thanks to #inleo team for this opportunity and guidance

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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