Farm Blossoms Walk

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to appreciate a wonderful walk through our favorite local farm during the blooming of the apple trees!


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    Farm Blossoms Walk

    I wanted to share some pictures from the recent farm walk that my son and I did to explore and check out the various blossoms at the farm!

    The farm is absolutely one of our favorite places to be as a family. We've been to more farms than we have really anything else if I'm going to be honest. It's the best type of entertainment for us, and it's incredibly important and wholesome for my son to explore and get to appreciate these types of things.


    This really works out when it comes to my son, because he's not materialistic in the sense that we have to go to X expensive place in order for him to get something that he can then show off to his friends that he went on an expensive trip to somewhere. He does appreciate his toys and all that, and shows them off to people we know and are friends with but it's more of the small trinket or little Lego set that he got, instead of the unnecessary crap that a lot of other kids end up doing.

    There is a number of added benefits to this as well, one of the major ones being that we get to familiarize ourselves with the farms, get involved with the local community and business and get to meet and chat with people who think similar to us. Granted we've not made a large number of "friends" but we do have wonderful small experiences with some of the families that go to these types of things as well, and make a little community around the great places like this.


    What I was really excited about with this trip was that I finally got to see the apple blossoms! I have been meaning to see and appreciate the apple blossoms for a few years but for one reason or another, often due to work or other obligations, I haven't been able to experience and appreciate them as much as I would like to. I would see them here and there as we drove but I didn't get to stop in and experience them like I did on this trip. It was awesome!

    The first factor you see and are drawn to is definitely the wonderful white color everywhere. The blossoms are easy to see from far away, which is likely due to evolutional reasons like attracting the great pollinators around like bumble bees, honey bees and other things that enjoy the sweet nectar that the trees are offering.


    The second thing I would say I absolutely love is the smell! The smell of the blossoms is hard to describe. It's a very light aroma, but full of flavor and completely the flower essence. It's not extremely potent like rose but it's also not absent like some other flowers you see. The apple blossom flower smell is very light, wonderful and crisp.

    This was the first time I really got to appreciate the actual smell of the apple blossoms but I definitely enjoyed it. It definitely reminds me of crab apple blossoms, which I experience quite a bit due to the local trees being quite numerous in popularity. We've got about 5 crab apple trees where we live, and walking by them in the spring and smelling their wonderful aroma is great!


    The nice thing about the whole experience as well is that we got quite a bit of walking in! We walked just about half the farm, which is pretty wild to think all of the walking that we did was only half. We went from the beginning, all the way to the top of the hill but the back half was pretty sizable, and they seem to have recently expanded the farm. We are definitely going to go back for the second half another time, most likely in the fall!

    What about you, do you like to visit farms in the spring to appreciate beauties like this? Let me know in the comments!

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    -CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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