Over View Of My Easter Holiday

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Most holidays are activities filled and this one was not a different one at all. With some persons we formed a team and we are known for visiting various villages and we do that four times in a year.

    My Easter holiday was spent in a village that is so far away from my community. We spent from Thursday to Sunday in there. It was all fun but I somehow wished the days gets shortened because there was no network so my online activities where so limited. For a while now I have not really imagined staying days without internet or data because most of the things I do requires I be online always.

    Returning home on Sunday morning we have to put things in place before I go and bring the kids from their grand parents place. Before then I had to guide desiredlady through some activities hive and that took us till evening before I could finish up with her. Just few minutes into the afternoon we got a call from my husband's cousin sister that his uncle who has been sick died earlier that morning. That was a news that changed many things that day and I was so sad.

    So I just have to go pick the kids in the evening so the grand parents will be free to go pay some condolence. As we were trying to get over the incidence and prepare for the burial, Tuesday morning another call came that my husband's uncle's wife is gone. I didn't cry for the first but I did for the second because this was a woman who has struggled so hard to make sure the children are well placed. Infact, the daughters wedding is just a week from now and this is happening. All of us were today on Monday and Tuesday this sad story. It was so devastating I most say, the shock have not left me.

    Before going for the last weekend program I already planned on how to spend the Easter holiday. It was in my plan to go visit my brother as I use the opportunity to see other family members in Abuja. All these plans have been shattered because it will not tell good of me if I take a journey outside the state at this time while everyone knows that I reside in same local government with the family. This Easter holiday is one that I will not wish for these kind of happenings again. Imagine Lossing two persons from the same family within a space of just 48 hours, no no no, that's so heart breaking and I don't even wish a distance person this kind of experience.

    Yesterday as we were holding women meeting, everyone was voicing out how they have planned to spend the holidays, the other said she wanted traveling to Nigeria State, the other Plateau State and so on. There are situations that is beyond our control so no matter how hard we try we cannot tame it. We just trust God always for the best to happen to us no matter how. I just pray that these kind of events don't happen to us again.

    My entry to the hiveghana prompt. Thank you

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