Friendship Could Be More Than Brotherhood

in voilk •  5 months ago

    My growing up days were filled with activities that it took a long time for me to realise the kind of person I am. One of life's most important decisions I made was my choice of friends. Before I went into this project, I first of all discovered my personality which gave birth to the kind of friends I wanted to have.


    As a child, one does not know much about friendship aside from sharing what one had with his or her supposed friends. At times, it could be in the area of defending one's friend from being humiliated even at that young age. Hence, at that young age, what informed my kind of friendship were these two factors.

    Sharing: As said above, the ability to choose your friends in my early years was informed by the ability of the person to share without looking back what they had. This is important because one good turn deserves another.

    Defense: There were bullies in our days. So, to be protected from the bullies, we do not necessarily need to be big in stature, we just wanted to be united and have a common front, not allowing any of our friends to suffer in the hands of an intruder or external force.

    These happened in my earlier days. But becoming a young adult gave me another facet to why I choose friends. You know the saying:

    Twenty boys can't play for twenty years.

    As time went on, one factor or the other separated my earliest friends from me. One of those factors was relocation.

    I love to have a clique of friends for different purposes. As a young adult, I had friends who were inclined to music. In our days, all newly released RnB songs were at our beck and call. We mastered the songs and mimed them at echo events and became famous by doing so.

    My future was well in front of me and I won't allow anything to trample upon it. So, I have another clique of friends that we study together. I noticed earlier in life that I needed extra lessons apart from the class session in Mathematics. With other subjects, I could find my way around. Hence, I joined the Mathematics guru in my class to solve Mathematical problems.


    Reasons Why I Had Many Friends

    •Skills and Supports
    The more, the merrier. That is an old saying which indicates that in life when you have a lot of people, sometimes good and bad, it only just makes life come around. This is important because at one time or the other, everyone is important in our journey of life. Different friends bring different skills and perspectives to help you when you are faced with one challenge or the other.

    •Social Connections and Opportunities
    Keeping a large number of friends can help you solve professional and personal problems. Life opportunities come in different shades. And to meet up with demands, one must have friends who have the technical-know-how to help out.

    •Emotional Wellbeing
    Keeping many friends can help you to share laughter, experiences and whatnot which contribute a great quota in your well-being. To be able to cope with life's challenges, our mental, emotional and social well-being is very important. A person with a large number of friends can easily scale through tough challenges with his friends by his side.


    I noticed through my number of friends that I could now tolerate people of different cultures. Knowing that we live in an heterogeneous world, there is the need to have more friends, even far away from.our continent. This will give one the ample opportunity of understanding the ways of life of people from other places and reaper them for who they are.

    • Social Event and Fun
    To have many friends is also advantageous in that it creates an avenue where you tend to have more fun. I tend to share opportunities with my friends and keep it close with them in many ways. Knowing that no matter how long we live on earth, life is still short. The older one becomes the better we know this fact. To have fun during our short stay here is very important. Hence, one has to make do with the time and ensure to socialise with friends.

    The foregoing are just the reasons why I choose to keep many friends. Though, there could be betrayals here and there, that's part of life expectations. When such happens, I just move on to the next agenda, hoping for the best and playing my little role positively in the lives of my friends.

    There are more friends who stand with you than even your brothers.

    •All images used in this publication are mine. Permission must be sourced before usage.

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