90s and 80s TV Shows, My Experience

in voilk •  3 months ago

    90s and 80s TV Shows, My Experience

    I was born and raised in a local community, those days life was so simple and no one even bothered about anything, probably it was just my perception as a kid. We didn't have any Tv in our home, in fact we didn't have electricity.

    Don't think it's just my house, many other houses didn't have TV back then, I can remember vividly there were only three houses with TV around my vicinity, a police officer who recently moved in, our next door neighbor and a woman who has a provision store.

    Down here, power used to be a serious challenge, though it was not as bad as it is currently, each time power is restored, you will hear people scream "NEPA," the next thing we are already at either of the three houses hoping that they turn on their TVs so we could watch those old school shows.

    If they eventually turn on their TV, lucky us, if they don't, we will return home and hope that later, they will do so. One of the most common TV shows then was Papa Ajasco. I can only remember the name now but what transpired in that show I can't really tell in detail.

    There was no day when me and my siblings, sometimes with my friends, didn't go to either of those houses. We got so addicted to TV, maybe because we weren't having one. Funny enough after watching we practiced what we watched with our friends, sometimes even performing dramas. I used to always take the role of the child because I was the youngest, and I didn't like it, LoL.

    Those days I kept wondering how people come up with shows on TV. My friends and I often argue whether they were solely tricks or real. That made me always wish i could see for myself how movies were produced. Unfortunately, I grew up and never had that privilege.

    The only places we had to watch local dramas were our neighbors' houses. I can only imagine how burdensome we were to them.

    My town has a Cinema house, everyone talks about it back then, Those old dramas and other amazing videos were aired there. Those days it was Bollywood that was trending. My dad loves them so much, he always comes back and tells us stories of the ones he watched.

    I wished to have been to the cinema but I was not opportune, my dad never took me nor my siblings. I can't even tell if they paid a fee or not before they were allowed inside, but I suppose they were charged.

    I only wanted to see the place for myself so I could come back and tell my friends about it but it was never realized.

    I got to discover the place when I was an adult, unfortunately it was no longer functioning. To date, the place is still called "super cinema," though recently, the government demolished the building and is coming up with some great structures. I don't really know what they are doing there yet but we hope it's something for the good of the society.

    Well, we only had people's houses to watch TV shows then but I can say I was a theater boy. Those homes were my theater LoL. I call my situation back then an addiction because there were days i had to stand by the windows for hours just to watch papa Ajasco. Sounds humiliating now but it was fun then.

    The Truth is no one can deny that the 90s and 80s TV shows were very interesting and educational. Our parents had no problem with us watching those shows because they knew the impact was going to be positive. But these days, our TV shows are nothing to write home about, sometimes parents have to restrict their children from watching certain channels, it just so pathetic

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