Travel in Chiba Boso Peninsula #2 : Kamogawa Sea World (English & Japanese)

in voilk •  5 months ago



    This is the second of a series of posts introducing our trip to Boso, Chiba Prefecture. Please see this post for a look at the honey workshop. After stopping by the honey workshop, we headed to Kamogawa, the main destination of the first day. Kamogawa City in Chiba Prefecture is located at the southern tip of the Boso Peninsula and is blessed with a warm maritime climate, making it a resort area surrounded by beautiful scenery and nature, despite its proximity to the Tokyo metropolitan area. Facing the Pacific Ocean with its horizon of lapping waves and vast skies, the city offers an extraordinary experience for visitors. I would like to introduce my visit to Kamogawa Sea World, one of the most popular destinations for families.

    ✈︎Overview of Kamogawa Sea World

    Kamogawa Sea World is a popular aquarium whose exhibit theme is "encountering the ocean world." The expansive grounds display a variety of marine life, making it a great place to spend a fun-filled time with family and friends. Performances by the animals are also a highlight. The aquarium is also actively involved in activities other than animal exhibits, such as educational activities, wildlife conservation, breeding and research of captive animals, and collaboration with the local community. One initiative that I found really cool is the cooperation with Kamogawa City, which offers a free annual passport to Kamogawa residents with children under the age of two. I am envious of this initiative, which is aimed at supporting families raising children.

    ✈︎ Location and access

    The address is Kamogawa City, Chiba Prefecture, about a two-hour drive from Tokyo. It is close by taking the Tokyo Bay Aqualine, and a stop at Umihotaru on the way is also recommended. By train, it is a 10-minute ride by free shuttle bus from Awa Kamogawa Station on the JR Sotobo Line. It takes about 2 hours from Tokyo Station on the Wakashio limited express train. The time required by car or train is the same, but if you are going only to visit Kamogawa Sea World, the train is recommended as it is easier. If you want to go sightseeing in other places, a car is more convenient.

    ✈︎performance show

    The best part of Kamogawa Sea World is the performance shows by the animals! There are four types of animal shows: killer whale, beluga, dolphin, and sea lion. The interaction between the trainers and the animals in all the shows is impressive. The killer whale show in particular is so powerful that I never get tired of seeing it over and over again. I was able to see the killer whale and sea lion shows this time. The dolphin show will not be held for the time being due to the renovation of the stadium.

    Image Source: Kamogawa Sea World

    The first thing we also did was to see the killer whale performance, which we were looking forward to the most. The killer whale show is held in this large Ocean Stadium. It was exciting to think that we could see the killer whales when we climbed up the stairs. Many visitors are already waiting for the performance to start. When the show starts, the trainer instructs the killer whales to perform many spectacular tricks with light music.

    The killer whales jump out of the water with great force, intentionally splashing water onto the bleachers, and the excited voices of the spectators can be heard. The people in the front seats get soaked all over. We didn't want to get wet, so we enjoyed the spectacle from the safety of our top seats.

    The trainers are also excellent, showing us how to swim on the back of the killer whales and how to balance on the tip of their snouts, tricks that would be impossible to do without proper training.

    At the end of the performance, the big-bodied killer whale came up on stage and greeted the audience. It was a wonderful performance, and one could really feel the trust between the trainer and the killer whales.

    After the killer whale performance, you will hear the announcement of the sea lion show, and then move to the stage dedicated to sea lions. Although not as powerful as the killer whales, the performance is story-driven, and you can see the comical and cute sea lion's courage.

    The sea lions begin with a polite greeting,

    They even perform feats of strength such as one-handed toppling.

    On this day, we could not see the beluga show due to time constraints, but you can always go see the beluga itself. Their pure white body contrasting with that of killer whales was impressive.

    ✈︎Marine Life Exhibit

    n addition to performances, there are exhibits of various organisms, so those who watch closely will not get bored for a day. There are several buildings along the theme of the exhibition, but some of them are closed due to undergoing renovation. It is a good idea to check the official website of Kamogawa Sea World before you visit. Here are some of the places we visited.

    The facility called Kurage Life introduces the ecology and diversity of jellyfish. about 10 species of jellyfish were mysteriously displayed and their ecology was explained in considerable detail. At first glance, they look beautiful, but those who are not fond of jellyfish may be surprised.

    In another place, there was a big lobster. My son was very interested in it, even though he was saying, "What is this? It was interesting for him to be able to observe so many large creatures that he would never see in his daily life.


    This is actually the second time I have been to Kamogawa Sea World with my son. The last time was last January, so exactly one year has passed. At that time, my son was 1 year old and could walk, but he was mostly in a stroller. He was interested in the killer whales, but not in the other exhibits, and soon became bored with them. I was very happy to see how much he has grown over the past year.
    Kamogawa Sea World is an aquarium that can be enjoyed by both children and adults. It also has lodging facilities, so it is recommended for those who want to spend a few days at leisure. Lastly, I would like to introduce a commemorative stamp medal vending machine at the aquarium's store. I bought one because of its cute design, which I often see at tourist attractions. I think it is a good commemorative medal because it can be engraved with a date, name, etc. I hope you will try to make your own original medals as well.


    千葉県房総旅行を紹介する投稿の第2弾です。第1弾のハチミツ工房の様子はこちらの投稿をご覧ください。ハチミツ工房に立ち寄った後は1日目のメインの行き先である鴨川に向かいます。千葉県鴨川市は房総半島の南端に位置し、 温暖な海洋性気候に恵まれ、首都圏近郊でありながら美しい風景、自然に囲まれたリゾート地です。水平線が広がる太平洋に面し、打ち寄せる波と広大な空が広がり、訪れる旅行者へ非日常を提供します。その中でも家族連れに人気の鴨川シーワールドに行ってきましたので紹介したいと思います。








    私たちもまず最初に行ったのは1番の目的でもあるシャチのパフォーマンスです。シャチのショーはこの大きなOcean Stadiumで開催されています。階段を登ればシャチに会えると思うとドキドキしますね。すでに多くのお客さんがパフォーマンスの開始を待っています。ショーが始まると軽快な音楽と共にトレーナーの指示により華麗な技をたくさん見せてくれます。










    Kurage Lifeという施設ではクラゲの生態や多様性を紹介しています。10種類ほどのクラゲが神秘的に展示されていて、その生態についてかなり詳しく説明されていました。一見綺麗ですが、クラゲが苦手な方はびっくりするかも。




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