Breaking the Equalizer by Scavaging

in voilk •  4 months ago



    Hello there! @Saydie here, playing Splinterlands everyday!

    I'm here for this week's Battle Mage Secrets with the featured ruleset Equalizer. This is a ruleset were all monsters will have the same health as the monster on either teams with the highest health.

    The Battle that I will show to you this week was from @bltzr-wizard-726 which is the scholar account I'm playing from Balthazar Guild in partnership with Side Door Ventures and was currently playing on Diamond League of the Modern format but before I reveal the battle, let us learn more about this ruleset.




    Rule Set Icon
    The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

    When playing under the Equalizer ruleset, it is better to not use monsters with high health since other units will just copy its health. Instead prioritize on units with high damage and armor if possible to make their damage more effective while providing more protection against damage. As much as possible, also use as much monsters as you can to maximize the mana cap.


    Revealing Battle Conditions and Team Lineup




    Diamond League
    Modern Format
    22 Mana Cap
    Available Elements:01- fire.png Fire, 02-Water.png Water, 4-Death.png Death, 6-Dragon.png Dragon
    The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
    Born Again.png
    Born Again
    All monsters have the Rebirth ability.
    Holly Protection
    All Monsters have the divine shield.png Divine Shield ability.

    Opponent's Line- up


    My Team


    For this battle, there's a 22 mana- cap that we can use where the active rulesets were Born Again, Holy Protection and Equalizer which is this weeks featured ruleset. With this in consideration, my lineup was consist of:

    • Summoner: Kelya Frendul - As a summoner, this gives additional speed on all ally monsters together with additional armor which increases the defense of my monsters.

    • 1st Position: Pelacor Bandit - Usually, this card was placed on the back for it being a low mana Sneak monster that have a high damage output but since there was equalizer we can ignore its small health and focus or on its amazing speed which is partnered by Flying which increases the chance to evade melee and range attack by 25%.

    • 2nd Position: Tide Biter - A low mana melee monster with Reach which allows it to attack on the second position where its attack will not miss its target since it have True Strike and was immune against indirect and reflected damage due to its Reflection Shield ability.

    • 33d Position: Musa Saline - Has the least damage but this card has Shatter which removes the armor of the target no matter how big it is and when a monster was defeated, it will gain additional health with Life Leech.

    • 4th Position: Merdaali Guardian - Although this card does not have an attack, it gives additional health on all allied monsters with Strengthen meanwhile, it can restore both health and armor of an allied monsters with Tank Heal and Repair.

    • 5th Position: Igor Darkspear - For a 2 mana card, this card has 3 range damage but whats more is that it has the Stun ability which prevents the target to attack for a turn.

    • 6th Position: Kulu Swimhunter - Doesn't have any ability but has excellent speed and huge damage output for only 4 mana.


    Revealing the Battle


    1-8/22- Pre- battle Phase: Application of ability buffs and de- buffs by both teams

    Round 1:


    8-9/22 Exploding Rats attacks Pelacor Bandit, removing its Divine Shield.

    10-14/22 Pelacor Bandit, Kulu Swimhunter, Musa Saline and Tide Biter deals 7 damage to Exploding Rats.

    15-22/22 Xenith Archer, Torch Vizier and Doctor Blight defeated Pelacor Bandit but was resurrected resulting on Doctor Blight and Musa Saline to gain health due to Scavenger.

    Round 2:


    1-2/39 Exploding Rats attacks Pelacor Bandit, removing its Divine Shield.

    3-13/39 Pelacor Bandit defeats Exploding Rats but this has caused for its Redemption to activate dealing 1 armor damage to Pelacor Bandit and removes the Divine Protection of all my monsters while Doctor Blight and Musa Saline gain another health.

    14-27/39 Kulu Swimhunter and Musa Saline defeats Explosive Rats but once again, its Redemption activated and defeats Pelacor Bandit and removes the armor of all my monsters while Doctor Blight and Musa Saline gain another health.

    28-33/39 Tide Biter and Igor Darkspear deals 3 damage to Scorch Fiend and afflicted it with Stun while Merdaali Guardian Repair the armor of Tide Biter.

    34-39/39 Xenith Archer, Torch Vizier and Doctor Blight defeats Tide Biter, gaining Doctor Blight and Musa Saline another health before it Resurrect.

    Round 3:


    1-16/23 Scorch Fiend was defeated twice by my team which result for Doctor Blight and Musa Saline to gain 2 health meanwhile Merdaali Guardian restores the armor of Tide Biter and heal some of its health.

    17-22/23 Xenith Monk, Uraeus and Torch Vizier defeats Tide Biter earning Doctor Blight and Musa Saline 1 health.

    23/23 Doctor Blight deals 2 damage to Musa Saline.

    Round 4:


    1-6/10 My team deals 4 damage to Uraeus as Merdaali Guardian restores the health of Musa Saline.

    7-8/10 Xenith Archer and Uraeus deals 4 damage to Musa Saline and afflicted it with Poison.

    9/10 Torch Vizier removes the armor of Merdaali Guardian.

    10/10 Doctor Blight deals 2 damage to Musa Saline.

    Round 5:


    1-14/17 My team defeats Uraeus twice which gives another 2 health to Doctor Blight and Musa Saline as Merdaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Musa Saline.

    3/15 The Opponent team deals 8 damage to Musa Saline.

    Round 6:


    1-6/9 My team deals 4 damage to Torch Vizier and afflicted it with Stun as Merdaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Musa Saline.

    3/15 The Opponent team deals 2 damage to Musa Saline.

    Round 7:


    1-13/15 My team defeats Torch Vizier twice which gives another 2 health to Doctor Blight and Musa Saline as Merdaali Guardian restores the health and armor of Musa Saline.

    3/15 The Opponent team deals 2 damage to Musa Saline and afflicted it with Affliction.

    Round 8 - 10:


    Due to both Doctor Blight and Musa Saline accumulated many health as monsters for each team was defeated one by one, the battle has been between this two, tanking out the damage from the attack of both team until at round 10 was where Doctor Blight was defeated although it Resurrect once again.

    Round 11 - 13:


    On round 11, Doctor Blight was finally defeated for good which has only left Xenith Archer but since it was a range monster, it cannot attack anymore so with round 13, Xenith Archer was defeated


    Battle Recap

    Here is a replay of the battle which at you can watch at Splinterlands.


    Did My Strategy Work?

    With all monster having the equal amount of health with the Equalizer ruleset, having more damage and armor was very vital for overcoming the opponent which is why I won this battle but aside from those, abilities that can sustain the health and armor as well as the Scavenge which increase the health of my monster also played a very important role in winning my battle.

    That was it for this post. Thank you and see you at the next one.


    Previous Battles

    To read previous articles, just click on the image of the article that you want to read.

    All the image that I edited here belongs to Splinterlands.

    Card abilities and rulesets from Splintercards

    All the battle links provided comes from my personal accounts and from the scholar account that I am using from Balthazar Guild.

    Thank you for reading my post. If you're interested to play Splinterlands, you can join by clicking the images below and follow me on Twitter and 3Speak for timely Splinterlands updates.



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