I recently discovered a Boost in Rising Star Game that may not seem like much, but I found it interesting since with the right strategy you can use it to increase your STARBITS earnings in the game.

The Boost I'm talking about is Risky Whiskey and you can buy it through the Rising Star Game market for the price of 0.68 Swap.Hive, this value can increase or decrease, currently 0.68 Swap.Hive is the lowest price on the market, but I'm not here to talk about its price, but rather its usefulness. The function of Risky Whiskey will be to store the drunk Fans that players can get after completing a mission. For those who don't know, with each mission you complete in Rising Star Game there is the possibility of attracting drunk Fans that will last 24 hours. These Fans will count towards your STARBITS earnings in the missions and will disappear after 24 hours, remembering that drunk Fans also count towards your EGO.
What is my strategy for Risky Whiskey?
My strategy is to use it to store as many drunk Fans as I can and when I have time in the game to complete several missions in a day, I will use the Boost to receive all these Fans and increase my STARBITS earnings in the missions. Basically, it is a race against time where I can complete as many missions as possible in the 24 hours after using the Boost, which is why it is useful since sometimes a player does not have much time in a day to complete many missions, so it would not be very advantageous to earn drunk Fans, so storing them and using them at the right time is the best strategy for them.
Since the shortest missions are the most profitable if you consider the time and STARBITS earnings, I will store as many Fans as I can and I will use the Risky Whiskey to complete as many of them in those 24 hours as well as any other short-term missions that I have, but for that I need time and the Risky Whiskey Boost will be my best ally in those times.

I don't know if there is a limit to how many drunk Fans Risky Whiskey can store, so for now I'll just buy 1 and test the amount since I plan on storing a few tens of thousands of Fans before using it. Another useful piece of information is that the amount of drunk Fans you get in missions depends on the amount of Fans you have, so the more Fans you have, the more drunk Fans you can get. I think the mission also influences the amount of drunk Fans you earn, but I'm not sure about that.

My fight against EGO continues and I've already managed to lower it to 35%. I also noticed that by earning more Guitars by opening the packs yesterday, I increased the number of Skills I earn to 549, and this made the cost per Guitar Lesson go up to 0.0004 STARPRO. It's still a low cost and now I only need to do the Guitar Lesson 33 times to reach the much desired EGO 0%, but I'll probably have to do it more often because I intend to increase my number of Fans soon, so I think I'll buy more Guitars to increase my Skill gains and reduce the time I'll spend on Guitar Lessons.
For those who have doubts about what EGO is in Rising Star Game. EGO is one of the game's Stats and it influences your STARBITS gains in missions, the higher the player's EGO, the less STARBITS he will receive for the mission.

This is an example of my current gains from drunk Fans when completing missions in the game, these drunk Fans came from the Illegal Busking mission but I've had much larger gains like 653 drunk Fans, so storing a few tens of thousands of drunk Fans shouldn't take too long.

To use Risky Whiskey, you just need to click on the + next to your energy bar and your Boosters will appear. After that, all you need to do is click on Use Fans Now.

After that, you will empty your Risky Whiskey and the Fans you received will last for 24 hours and then disappear.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha