Responsible Adult Day 🤪

in voilk •  4 months ago


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    El día de hoy quiero compartir con ustedes unas fotos de hace unos días, tuve que ir al CNE ya que me enteré terminando el año pasado que no aparezco registrada, por lo que como adulta responsable fui con mi hermana a resolver ese detalle, tuvimos que hacer una cola, pero bueno volví a hacer la inscripción y para mi sorpresa aún no aparezco registrada así que me tocará ir de nuevo a resolver ese asunto😑, al menos me tomé con mi hermana unos frappé jajaja.

    Today I want to share with you some pictures of a few days ago, I had to go to the CNE because I found out at the end of last year that I am not registered, so as a responsible adult I went with my sister to resolve that detail, we had to wait in line, but well I went back to do the registration and to my surprise I am still not registered so I will have to go again to resolve that issue😑, at least I had some frappé with my sister hahaha.

    That's all for this blog, see you next time!

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