My Cycling Experience as a Kid

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    The experience of learning how to ride on a bicycle is one that I will always remember. At the time, I was approximately twelve years old, and I couldn't remember ever having sat on a bicycle before. My interest would always leap when I saw people, young like me or old, riding past me.

    I never thought I would ride a bicycle, much less sit on one, since we didn't own one. But during one of the school break, I went on vacation at my aunt's house and my uncle who is her husband had an old bicycle.

    Like any other bicycle, this one could transport you wherever even without brakes or chain guard. When I first got there, that was the first item that attracted my eye.

    Things didn't go well on my first journey with my uncle. I sneaked along behind him as he went to see his friend. I begged him to let me ride the bike with him, and he gladly gave in.

    He instructed me to "put my legs well and hold onto his waist firmly," and I obeyed.
    However, after a little while, the refreshing air that was blowing past us took me away. I forgot that I was holding onto his waist, and before I realized it, I had fallen off the bicycle.

    Even though the injury wasn't extremely serious, everyone at home could tell that I was hopping because i had wounds. Even though I begged him to let me ride, my Uncle ended up receiving a warning by his wife.

    I didn't fear getting hurt when I was younger, though. I tried riding a bicycle again a few days later. I went to urge him to teach me once this time, because everyone else was gone save for my aunt's housekeeper, and I assured him that this time I wouldn't get him into any trouble with my aunt.

    So he agreed and began teaching. We rescheduled for another day since I was working so hard that he was becoming bored trying to teach me.

    Before I learned to ride, my view of a bicycle was that it was an enjoyable, straightforward, and exciting vehicle. Yes, it's fun and exciting, but is riding it really that easy? Well i would say no.

    After a few days, I made the decision to try cycling once more, but with my cousin serving as my tutor. I adored how he broke everything down for me and taught me in stages .

    At the same time pedaling and controlling the speed was quite difficult for me. Finding the right technique for controlling my leg movements in order to maintain bicycle as I move was difficult, so my constant focus was on the pedals.

    I would pedal with my left leg while bending my lower body to the right, and the other way around.

    Being too short to sit on the seat, I had to stand all of the time, which added a bit of tiredness to the learning process.

    Every ten seconds, my cousin would push the bicycle to keep me straight while I pedaled and continuously checked my balance and position.

    The bicycle was unbraked, so my uncle had to pull it to a halt. Later, in order to act as brakes when needed since there were no brakes, I began to drag my legs along the ground. Until I mastered the entire technique, I ended up with some minor cuts, but nothing serious.

    I informed my parents that I had learned how to ride a bicycle and that I would need one when I returned from my holidays because all of this had happened. They got excited and happily purchased one for me. Their pride in me for learning something new during the holidays was obvious when I had to ride it in front of them.

    They were amazed by how fast I had learned something new in a short while. My wounds served as more proof that the process wasn't simple.

    Their praise gave me greater self-assurance, and I kept cycling more and higher. I even attempted to teach my neighborhood friends. Although I haven't cycled in a while, I'm sure I could attempt again without getting hurt.

    What was your experience riding a bicycle? Like me, did you finish up with a cut ?

    Thanks for reading...

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