Some unripe mangoes on our mango tree

in voilk •  2 months ago

    We have a large number of mango trees in Bangladesh and every year these trees bear a large quantity of mangoes in certain seasons.Mango is a summer fruit and is available only during summer in our country.This mango tree can be seen in most of the houses in our country and we also have four mango trees in our house.But the sad thing is that like every year, our mango trees did not produce good quantity of mangoes this year.I love mangoes and I always prefer ripe juicy mangoes.I am in a mango tree in my house with few mangoes hanging in the tree at the same time which I like to see and I took some pictures with my own mobile to share with my friends and below are the pictures.











    Mango is a delicious fruit that I like very much.We have a mango tree on the south east side of our house and that mango tree is not showing any mangoes at present.Only I could see a few hanging mangoes on the south side of the mango tree and only six mangoes at a time in one particular spot on the tree.The mangoes seemed to me as if they were in the tree clinging to each other like friends.The mangoes were raw and I don't like eating any raw mangoes.But I always like to eat ripe mangoes.This mango tree is in many houses in different villages of our country. But in the mango tree of our house, no mango was seen in the tree.I photographed only the mangoes I saw and I really liked the mango photos.

    As far as I know everyone likes mangoes.But most people prefer to eat mangoes when they are ripe.Ripe mangoes are rich in nutrients and vitamins that are beneficial for our body.Moreover, juice is made from ripe mangoes in our country and it is very fun to drink mango juice during summer.Again, in our country, women make different kinds of mango pickles with raw mangoes.I really enjoyed seeing the mangoes and I took some pictures to share with my hive community friends and I hope my friends will be happy to see the pictures.Everyone in our house including me loves to eat ripe mangoes.Mango is a delicious fruit that is fun to eat.Thanks to all friends.

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