in voilk •  3 months ago



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    Platónico, aunque era un adolescente distraído, planificaba su vida usando sus sueños lúcidos. El dialogo de la ilusión lo establecía, mentalmente, con el espacio exterior. Allí, más allá de las estrellas, contemplaba su mundo perfecto. Un viaje subjetivo donde, en la vasta galaxia de su aburrida vida, su alma danzaba en la penumbra de la honestidad. Allí entretejía su regalo para el universo: la enseñanza a los niños. Les iniciaría en el significado de cada color. En sus corazones, los pequeños con pinceles en mano, descubrirían la belleza del arcoíris. Eso los elevaría a un ideal puro donde les serían revelados los secretos de sus almas. Así era él, así transcurría su vida imaginaria. Su esencia la mantenía en absoluto secreto. Pero un día, Platónico fue descubierto, por sus amigos, en su mundo onírico. Ellos pensaron que la despreocupación llevó a Platónico a la locura. En ese momento, Platónico, comprendió que era un filósofo solitario. En la quietud de la noche decidió pedirle a su espíritu que, elevara sus pensamientos más allá de las estrellas. En la ruta por el cosmos encontró que, las esferas celestiales, le indicaron en un rincón de su alma, que el viaje era a su interior; donde su ser lo llevaría a un universo perfecto, donde sentiría fuertemente en su corazón la luz, la belleza y el amor en su máxima expresión.


    Platonicus, although he was a distracted adolescent, planned his life using his lucid dreams. The dialogue of illusion he established, mentally, with outer space. There, beyond the stars, he contemplated his perfect world. A subjective journey where, in the vast galaxy of his dull life, his soul danced in the twilight of honesty. There he would weave his gift to the universe: teaching children. He would initiate them into the meaning of each color. In their hearts, the little ones with brushes in hand, would discover the beauty of the rainbow. That would elevate them to a pure ideal where the secrets of their souls would be revealed to them. That was how he was, that was his imaginary life. His essence he kept in absolute secrecy. But one day, Platonicus was discovered, by his friends, in his dream world. They thought that carelessness drove Platonico to madness. At that moment, Platonicus understood that he was a lonely philosopher. In the stillness of the night he decided to ask his spirit to lift his thoughts beyond the stars. On the route through the cosmos he found that the celestial spheres indicated to him, in a corner of his soul, that the journey was to his inner self; where his being would take him to a perfect universe, where he would feel strongly in his heart the light, beauty and love in its maximum expression.

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

    PLATÓNICO, EL FILÓSO por María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright© 2024

    abril 08, 2024

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